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WELCOME to my Penpals Page. As survivors of abuse, we tend to think and horny woman in Brooks MN. Ads with photos.

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Hot couple in search of anything!

We are a m/w/c looking for other couples, singles or bi females. He is 5'7" 170 lbs. with short brown hair. She is 5'2" 118 lbs. med length brown hair and 38c breast. We like to photo and video. We like toys and other fun stuff. Will try anything once. We can be mild for first timers or a kinky as you want to get for the more experience. Give us a try you won't be sorry! We are looking for some good clean sex. Singles or couples we are looking for both!

View profile, Brooks MN
Couple looking for partners.
horny woman in Brooks MN, with photo.
View profile, Brooks MN

We are are a married couple looking for a good time. We are in good shape physically, clean and fun. We travel, camp and play. He is 55, she is 47. horny woman in Brooks MN. We are looking for single men, couples and groups. No gay or bi men please.

A pair of choosey sluts...........we choose you!
horny woman in Brooks MN, view pic.
View profile, Brooks MN

~~Sorry to those whom wondered where we went first off, we just needed a bit of a break was all.~~ Lets see here... an open and fun couple. Looking for someone or another couple to share adventures with us. We would prefer couples or females (very bi-girl here)....... but are meeting with select single men, Patience first off. We are a very busy couple/family, so if we don't get back to you lickity split (pardon the pun, lol), please be understanding. We are looking for a partner or partners who are very discreet. Must be STD free and clean, as well as patient. Age isn't as much of a factor as it used to be.(In fact we've both come to realize that we can relax and enjoy time spent with a mature couple very easily.)Ideally we want people who are down to earth, that we can laugh with and who can keep up in the conversation. While we are all on here to quench our sexual appetites sex and partying aren't the only things in life. Please be respectful and understand that we aren't going to strip and jump into bed with you just because you said hello to us.

Now in Casper
horny woman in Brooks MN, view photo.
View profile, Brooks MN

We have re-located to Casper and hope to meet some of the great people in this area for friendship and more. We don't go to the bars too often, but when we do we have a good time. Thanks for checking us out. We are looking for sexual adventures and friendships of the best kind. Must be discrete and clean. This is very important to us. We will be friends with most anyone...but are selective about who we go to the next level with.(don't let that scare you off though)

In Reply to: Re: looking for a pen pal any age or sex posted by Hayley on October 4, 2004 at 11:06 pm:. i am steven trying to search for some bd who wants

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