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Couple looking for some fun

We are 27 years old and are a happily married couple. We like to have fun and go out from time to time. He is 5'4 str8. She is blond, blue eyes, 5'4 38'd and is a bi-cur. We enjoy meeting others for some fun, mfm, mfmf, fmf, and mmmf group. We also enjoy going to swinger clubs. We both love sex and she loves going for a long time. We are looking for a Couple, Male, or Female that would like to get to know us and see if we click. We are intrested in someone that likes to have fun but also understands that we do not go with just anyone. We do full swap with a couple. She likes having men for her that can go a few rounds. She is also looking for a female to play with, with hubby or not. Looking to help teach her the ways of female love.

View profile, Bushkill PA
We share too!
horny woman in Bushkill PA, with photo.
View profile, Bushkill PA

Good looking very laid back couple, I’m 30, He’s 36. We are looking for a like minded couple to play with. We have kids and must be very discreet. We are able to travel between Portland and Ashland. I’m bi and would like to find a nice couple with a bi/ bi-curious female. We are into full swap so we can all play together. I love watching him please other women. We are primarly seeking other couples but we would consider single people if the oppertunity was right. We both really like sex and can both last for a long time. If you like to share and watch send me/us an e-mail. You don’t need to be perfect looking people, just be happy and willing to play for fun. horny woman in Bushkill PA. We are looking for a nice easy going couple, Man/Woman for fun and sex. They must be happy with each other and secure in the relationship.

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View profile, Bushkill PA

Thank's for checking us out we are Pete&Karla. We are an easy going secure well balanced couple. We are deeply in love; only enjoy same room fun. We hope you are the same deeply in love couple that wants to expand your eroticism with alike minded couple. We are not longtime veterans to the "Lifestyle". We get butterflies at the excitment of new friends. We are looking for a couple to call to say "Hello" sure we'd love to meet for coffee,a drink, listen to alittle music, share a dance. And definately alittle adult fun.*s* We have found "Best friends" in eachother. We know there is enough of ourselves to welcome another couple to be "Friends" also. If your real, honest, especially with eachother and respectful feel free to email us to say we have found our "Friends".

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horny woman in Bushkill PA, view photo.
View profile, Bushkill PA

We are a fun loving couple who enjoy the company of others. we have met some very nice couples and are anxious to meet more. she is very bi-sexual although has never been down town, but enjoys the touch of a woman & is anxious to explore. he is very straight & enjoys watching his wife with another woman.we are a couple with a significant age difference & desire to meet people who do not have a problem with that. we would like to become friends first with dinner & drinks with the possibility of more if it is comfortable for all. we are also open to just girl, girl interaction if interested. [We will be in Kauai 4-22 to 4-29 if anyone is interested.] someone that is open and honest.someone that can be in control

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