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We've been married for six yrs..We have two kids and are dicreet about this around them.We love to have people over to socialize.We like playing pool and other type things like that.Most of all when we can have people over we like to PLAY!She is a red head and still hasn't had the fire fucked out of her.D&D free and both fixed,Hopefully that is a plus.We aren't desperate, but love having sex. We both are looking to have fun,because we are tired of those people that have a bunch of drama.We are looking for that same female or couple that is looking to have a good time ,either for the night or more than a night.If you feel the same way write us.D&D free.We want no head games and to be direct w/ us,We are and expect the same.If this is you we will consider having you over because we love having company.

View profile, Levittown PA
Looking for a spark !
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View profile, Levittown PA

We are new but willing to be adventurous..looking for new friends for fun & more? horny woman in Levittown PA. We are looking for a couple that is perhaps new at this, whatever "this" is..........perhaps meet for dinner and see how things progress from there.....more watched and be watched at this time..not full-swap at this point...really looking for a couple that could share"outside of the bedroom" activities with us....friends first..then ????

looking to double our pleasure
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View profile, Levittown PA

We are a couple in serach of sugar (for him), spice (for her) and everything nice (for us). We are not looking for replacements, we have a great sex life together (no one can replace that) but we are open minded and enjoy the fact that sharing each other and watching each other is erotic along with having friends to get together with for some adult fun and good times. We do ask that EVERYONE plays TOGETHER for the most part (other than m/m of course) If you email us, please include a photo of HIM, not just HER. We are looking for sensual couples or a bi female that want to get together for fun, laughter and erotic times. Who may want to build a lasting friendship and grow together as we learn each other. We are not looking to replace each other, but to increase our erotic lives having fun with others. Fun and humor are important to us and we hope to find like couples or a bi fem. that wants to simply explore new pleasures. We like the idea of couples playing together and watching their/our mate please others, or both of us sharing the erotic pleasures of another woman. We have great imaginations lol and have many ideas of how we can all enjoy each other. We do not play alone though. Last but not least, we are new to this, so.. NO GAMES...PLEASE (our time together is to important to us for games). Respect us and we will respect you!!

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horny woman in Levittown PA, view photo.
View profile, Levittown PA

We are very much in love with one another- just looking to spice things up. We are both very much in shape and enjoy taking care of ourselves. We love any kind of physical activity. We are looking to make a connection with a special couple who is interested in more than just the physical aspect of this kind of lifestyle. Anyone interested?

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