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Couple looking...

We're a very happily married couple with a strong sex life -- in fact, we've had something of a sexual renaissance as of late. She is slim, sexy, blue eyes, blond, smart, sassy, bi, and in her prime. He is strong, smart, playful, tall, dark, straight, and handsome. We enjoy good music, red wine, art, the ocean, interesting conversation, and cool people. We are looking for other couples who are smart, sexy, and playful. We like to have fun in and out of the bedroom. Drinks, dinner, and flirting are a nice way to get things started. We play only as a couple -- NO SINGLE MEN!

View profile, Cornwallville NY
couple who have thrown off the yoke of conventionality.
horny woman in Cornwallville NY, with photo.
View profile, Cornwallville NY

Ahh, the cosmic, eclectic couple that are traveled, discreet, pleasure purists, star gazing, oil spreading and honest. We take our time and are given to horniness at the most approriate times. It's not that we can't control our desire, but why? horny woman in Cornwallville NY. We seek those that are genuine in their affection, honest in their self appraisal, eager to laugh, touch and be tender. Couples that know who they love and why. Sex education has never been more fun.

Fun in the Sun in the USVI
horny woman in Cornwallville NY, view pic.
View profile, Cornwallville NY

Just getting back into things. Played around a bit last year and took some time off to make sure it was what we wanted....It is! We live in St.Thomas and are always looking to host and entertain anyone visiting. So if you are headed down to our neck of the beach drop us line! Standard members can contact us!!! Fun, Outgoing people. Not pushy. Must be at least a couple no sinlge men please. :) More than a couple could be fun! :)~

Do something different on your next Caribbean vacation!
horny woman in Cornwallville NY, view photo.
View profile, Cornwallville NY

We are a long-time married lovers and friends who have some experience with the lifestyle. We are first in each other’s affections and lives, and would love to add friends/lovers to our relationship. We live on a small island in the Caribbean and don’t get back to the States too often, so have limited opportunities to meet other like-minded folks. Clean, discreet, honest people who enjoy being fully or partially naked when outdoors with whom we can openly discuss mutual interest in the lifestyle (and other subjects). She would like to be with two men. She has enjoyed playing with a woman and would like to experience more; he would certainly like to watch that! Women like him and she enjoys watching him play. Both like to see others making love and don’t mind being seen doing same. We like toys and are open to suggestions and new situations – from just lounging naked on the beach together to full swap – depending on circumstances. Want to tie up? Dress up? We can talk about it. Taboos are: underage, bestiality, non-consent, scatological play. Safe sex only – and that means condoms, and same room – at least at first. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DRUGS! Very important: No means No; Stop means Stop. As far as we’re concerned, if everyone who is playing is not comfortable, then no one is having fun.

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