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I am a Horny kinky chix that enjoys wild sex all the time!!! This looks LIKE MOORE FUN THAN THE BARS!!! Talks dirty and likes to go all night long! Lets get it on!!!! MAYBE

View profile, Jackson heights NY
Looking for a tall, over 6 foot athletic male "friend with benefits"
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View profile, Jackson heights NY

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to view my profile. My husband put me on this site. He supports me 100% with my fantasies and desires. I grew up very sheltered and very naive. I have been a professional athlete in three different sports my entire life. I am reliving my high school and college years in my 40's. I believe age is only a number it's all in the attitude and how well we keep ourselves up. I will only respond to e-mails where you send me a face picture. An initial attraction for me starts with the eyes but a personality and who you are as a person on the inside holds my interest longer. I end with my motto: May all of your goals and dreams come true. For life is full of amazing and wonderful opportunities. So go for them all!!! horny woman in Jackson heights NY. I am looking for a tall, over 6 foot athletic male friend for a "friends with benefits" relationship. A male that is outgoing and has experienced some sort of sports athletics growing up. He has an athletic MIND! I am looking for the three C's, comfort, chemistry and connection. Actually I had to add a 4th, CLASS!! I am looking for quality not quantity! Must be educated and have a very positive attitude! Life is too short so my philosophy is to enjoy life to it's fullest and never let an opportunity pass me by!

Hot, Vixen seeks DISCREET relationship
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View profile, Jackson heights NY

Formally Known as Baylove06...Love to go out...Love to stay in...with the right person.... My man should be generous with EVERYTHING and have a great sense of humor...Fantastic in bed and willing to please...I Love a man to hang onto and go out with...and if he's hot... I like to stay in and get sWETy...I love to laugh and have a glass of wine occasionaly.Love fireworks of all kinds.Admire a mans body as well as a womans and appeciate men who can accept that....FREE SPIRITED by nature.Love to be spoiled.Love lingerie...Dress me up....then dress me down or just take it off,to get me off.....

horny woman in Jackson heights NY, view photo.
View profile, Jackson heights NY

I'm a single lady looking for fun with generous gentlemen who know how to spoil a gem such as I. I like going to plays, dinner, dancing, all sort of entertainment events. A great time! No strings attached and no hassles.

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