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Fun Fun Fun!!!!

We'll we're a young couple looking for new things to try out. Remember life is short and you have to live life to the fullest, but make sure it;s safe, clean, fun.. We're looking to make friends and meet new people. Drop us a note or say hello, looking foward to meeting you. I am a bisexual femme while he is straight. We are a monogamous couple looking for a sensual yet seriously career oriented bi femme. We enjoy light mingling, but depending on our mood, other crowds may be preferred. We are open sexually and would like that lucky femme to be also. Even though we are a black couple, race is not an issue with us. Basically, we are looking for a sensual, down to earth, open-minded, career oriented lady, whom would like to share a loving relationship with a strong loving couple. Oh, and because we value our health, disease free is a MUST!

View profile, Holmesville OH
couple seeking selected male, female or couple for fun and adventure. Must be discreet and private.
horny woman in Holmesville OH, with photo.
View profile, Holmesville OH

Couple looking for some fun. No serious commitments. We are extremely private and discreet. You must also be! Confidentiality is a must! We play together and apart on very selective opportunities. horny woman in Holmesville OH. Couple looking for some added excitement. Male is very straight (so, bi or bi-curious males please do not respond); and woman is bi-curious and looking for her first female encounter. Must be done by f/m/f only. No solos! Looking for slected male, females or couples for a threesome, foursome, swap or same room sex. Female would love to try two men at once. Also looking for discreet couples that's willing to swap and have fun.

Professional, unhibited couple looking for fun sex!
horny woman in Holmesville OH, view pic.
View profile, Holmesville OH

We are a professional couple, suits during the day, but uninhibted at night. She's 5-8, strawberry blond, great ass, thin, likes to be watched and likes facials from hubby. He's 6-2, thin, brown hair, blue eyes with 7-8" long, thick cock. Horny most of the time. Both are open to just about anything! Like everyone, we like variety - different roles, different places, and want to do it with new people; want to watch each other with new people and participate in 3 or 4 ways. She likes it a little rough sometimes, and is very limber for fun positions. He likes it every way he can get it; likes to give (and get, of course) oral, loves to give wifey facials. Want unihibited couple who likes the same kinds of activities....

Just Looking
horny woman in Holmesville OH, view photo.
View profile, Holmesville OH

(So much for the soft swap thing!) You must be discreet and clean and drug free! Couples perfered but not opposed to the right single person.

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