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horny woman in Branchport NY, hot ads.
We tried it and we liked it

Hi. We are a 30something couple looking to spice up an already hot love life. Neither of us is a super model but we Think we are pretty good looking. We have met couples and singles and had a great time. Looking for a woman or couple to spend quality time with. Select single males on occassion. She will decide which ones are "select". We will full swap with right people. Happy with soft swap or same room sex if thats what everyone is comfortable with.

View profile, Branchport NY
fetile swingers, looking for other couples and women
horny woman in Branchport NY, with photo.
View profile, Branchport NY

We are a very happy interracial couple in the littlest state. He is black male 6' 1" 230 7"c smooth body , not built but not fat either and fun loving. She is 5' 38D brown/blue long hair. and a cutie. horny woman in Branchport NY. We are looking for females or couples thats like fertile play and are d/d free. If you do not know what fertile play is please email us and ask. we are not looking for ken and barbie we want fun people that we can have no limit fun in the bedroom and have fun as regular people out of the bedroom. we are in rhode island and do travel (but not that much) when we can. she prefers BUT NOT LIMITED to smooth guys, black men, circumsized guys, men between 5"-9" and a good bi women. he loves women of all shapes and sizes. especially red heads and hispanic but not limited to just those. we are always open to all couple and females to chat and see if we can click.

Tropical beach, sunny days, lying naked listening to the rolling waves..is this you!
horny woman in Branchport NY, view pic.
View profile, Branchport NY

We are a married couple in love ...interested in being with another couple as friends first. Enjoy same room sex. Looking to spice up our sex lives with another couple/ woman. Drinks at first would be great ....soft swap is a possibility / prefer no swap. We are new to this. Would love to explore all the possibilities with the right couple/....NO SINGLE MEN!!!!! An open minded educated woman/man. This is new to us and this is our fantasy. Being discreet is very important. Are you out there? If you enjoy warm tropical places, warm sun filled days on the beach with a nice tropical drink, good conversation, naked under a palm tree... we may be a match!............give us a wink!

new to this and excited about it
horny woman in Branchport NY, view photo.
View profile, Branchport NY

we are eager to explore the erotic adventures that await us. we are new to this arena and look forward to meeting some wonderful people who share the same interest that we do. We recently had our first encounter and it was better than we imagined. friendly, fun and exciting couples and single females for sexual erotic pleasures!

Apparently, a woman's sex appeal and/or physical attributes were more of an the introductory phase, but what Black men are really looking for is peace.

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