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Don't be shy.... We don't bite, only nibble ~wink~

Why sit on the sideline of life and watch, when you can jump in and enjoy? We work hard, and play harder. We're a fun loving, in love, realist couple. We're swingers ~gasp~. We love meeting people over a cup of coffee or drinks, conversing, flirting, and letting things flow naturally. We're not pushy and expect the same when we meet others. We're looking to meet people that are simply themselves. Life's too damn short to put on a front and act like something you're not. If you like us, great... if not that's ok too.

View profile, Pearl city HI
just love sex
horny woman in Pearl city HI, with photo.
View profile, Pearl city HI

We are an attractive couple. I am a blond 5'4 and 138lbs he is 6'1 175lbs and well endowed. We love threesomes but especially 4 in a bed. I enjoy sex with both men and women. We just love spending an evening with another couple and having wild sex. We have been swinging for 9 years and love it. You can contact us horny woman in Pearl city HI. We are looking for men and women who love to have great sex. We especially love sex with another couple with all of us just enjoying ourselves. We don't like spending all of our time writing letters we just want to enjoy sex.

Couple with a cam. Looking for one more
horny woman in Pearl city HI, view pic.
View profile, Pearl city HI

we have been together for about 2 years now, we are very easy going. for about 4 or 5 months we have been experamenting with photographs and now finally bought a camcorder. we dont really like bar scenes because shes only 19. but if your intrested we would love to get to know you. we are looking for a women age 18-24 who want to explore sexual situations with another couple. just with her at first but as we get more comfortable who knows what could happen. shes really into girls but has not been with one for a looooong time.

The Ultimate Bisexual Experience!
horny woman in Pearl city HI, view photo.
View profile, Pearl city HI

Funny easy-going down to earth couple looking to explore with couples and bi men/women. We love to have sex and play with toys. Since we are both bi, we both love to suck cock and eat pussy. We both love a good dick in us but Its all about couples and bisexuals for us. Couples with both members bisexual are totally welcome to play with us. Females can just play with Ms. Bravo only as long as Mr. Bravo gets to watch! ;) We are willing to change partners as long as everyone gets to taste each other.

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