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Let's get a little crazy!

We have been married 11 years and have a wonderful relationship and fantastic sex. This is only a passtime to add a little spice. We enjoy college football(BOOMER SOONER), the lake and going out to clubs. We are looking for an attractive couple in their 20's or 30's to go to dinner, party and play with. We enjoy partying with everyone but are very picky about who we play with.

View profile, New berlin NY
Fun erotic couple sharing fun.
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View profile, New berlin NY

Simply put; we are a nice couple. We love to have private get togethers in our house, hotel, or another person's/couple's house. We are not into parties or clubs, although we may end up at one every now and then. We are not perfect but we do have pride in ourselves and we are not ashamed to get naked. (Maybe a bit shy, but only at first.) horny woman in New berlin NY. Bisexual women - 20ish to 40ish. Must be open to playing with both. No one watches, unless one is taking pics or video. ;-) Single women are considered the boss, we will go by what you are comfortable with as long as it involves everyone. We are very open to discussing anything you want to do. Body type should be slim to average. (Slim - at ideal weight or 5 pounds over/under. Average = 5 - 20 pounds over, bigger in some places but still looks good.) Prefer shaved or will trimmed. Keep in mind there MUST be an attraction by both of us, and the wife will be the deciding factor as who we will meet. We are flexible on the body type as long as WE BOTH are attracted to you. The face is the most important part of that; but we can't lie, the body does matter. We love all races, white, Hispanic, and especially Asian and African American. We have never been with an Asian beauty, (sigh).

Here to have fun
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View profile, New berlin NY

Couple looking for couples or single males or females to have some fun. Please be between the ages of 21-40. Clean DDF couple and intend to stay that way. We both lead very busy lives but like to play harder when we can. We are not super models but are attractive professional people that are very down to earth and very laid back. We get along with almost everyone. Looking for hot, sexy, beautiful woman and men and couples. Good attitude and confidence a must. Must be height and weight proportionate. We realize we are all getting a little older and no one is perfect! LOL!! She like them big guys so 8" and bigger only please. She likes her woman curvy. She is bi-sexual and he is not. Race is not an issue with us as we are a mixed couple as well. Contact us and see if we connect.

Curious, excited and adventurous
horny woman in New berlin NY, view photo.
View profile, New berlin NY

Cpl/Sgl looking for friends and more. Very new and excited about the possibility of exploration of "alternative" contacts, not many things out of play. Articulate and open, curious and actively pursuing your interests and desires.

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