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horny woman in Gordon GA, hot ads.
Girl Next Door and so much more

I'm looking for fun with a single man or couple. I love the outdoors, hanging with friends. I can go from a black tie affair to a hockey game. I'm very laid back and like to have a good time. I would love to find someone who is laid back, with a great sense of humor. I would like to hang out and see what happens. I'm not looking for serious but if it happens it happens. Someone educated, DD and uninhibited.

View profile, Gordon GA
Cum Pleeeze Me!!!
horny woman in Gordon GA, with photo.
View profile, Gordon GA

Happily Married Woman looking to have some fun. Interested in meeting other women, couples,or men looking for the same. My husband is completely supportive of this. He is ok with me playing alone with other girls, having him watch, or joining in. That is completely up to you. Also willing to do full swap with other couples, or a threesome with him joining in later. Also willing to allowing the right single guy to join in with myself and my husband. If interested please send us an email with a picture. Looking for real down to earth people, looking to fuck. We are not necessarily looking for new friends, we are here to fuck and have a good time, and I am sure you are as well. Not looking for perfect people, just normal and down to earth ones. Single guys, please don't try to get in my pants with out my husband being involved, I will just delete your emails. Also if you want to meet us, we must have face pictures, I will check out your package at another time ;) horny woman in Gordon GA. I look for someone to be discreate and honest, along with a good sense of humor. I love to laugh. So we must hit off the first time or no can do. My husband is very STRAIGHT!!!

Knock Knock can you hear me?
horny woman in Gordon GA, view pic.
View profile, Gordon GA

I am a single woman looking for the right guy to fullfill all my wants and desires in and out of the bedroom.I have all this heat and passion just burning to let go. I guess what I am really looking for does not exist, or he is just not looking here. I guess I didn't make myself clear before but here goes so please read and listen. I do not care if you work out, I don't care how much money you have, I will not send you pictures just because you tell me to. I would love to find a real honest hard working loving yet wild in the bedroom guy. I want a man who loves his family and would do anything for them. I don't want to be your whole life just in your life. I want you to look at me like I am the only one in the room and you can't wait to just be near me. I want to look at you and wonder why we waited so long!!!!!!!!

Hot mouth for a hard cock !
horny woman in Gordon GA, view photo.
View profile, Gordon GA

Horney wife who likes a nice hard cock. Luv to suck cock , and experience 2 or 3 men at once. Husband likes to watch and occasionally join in. If interested, and meet criteria, e-mail us. Picture of face and cock a must if you expect a reply. Someone between ages of 25 and 45, good hygiene and no STD's a must, likes to have fun, discreet, and good natured personality.

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