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bi female seeking women for chat/sex

i am a bi-female seeking other women who are bi or bicurious. i am slowly coming out of my sexual shell. i am lookin for chat first, then meeting each other to see if we click then we can go from there. hubby approves of my sexual orientation, but WILL NOT be participating unless it is ok with all parties-especially ME! i am not looking for couples (male/female) or men--just women for now. i am looking for females that want chat first, set up a meet to see if we click and then go from there. i would like a female that is patient and is willing to take the time to show me the joys of woman/woman loving--one that will slowly and tenderly bring me out of my shell as i am very self conscious about my body and being a bigger woman-i'm seeking a woman that i can learn from and maybe we can teach each other new things. i'm not looking to just jump into bed the minute we meet. i would like to get to know you a little. if a friendship developes--great!!--if not, that's ok too. i am not looking for a permanent relationship either. just a woman to have sex with when the mood strikes me.

View profile, Paluxy TX
i wanna play
horny woman in Paluxy TX, with photo.
View profile, Paluxy TX

I have fantasies about being with a woman/women and feel that I am at a point in my life where I want to explore. horny woman in Paluxy TX. I want to be with a woman, I really don't have a desire to be with another man. I must have someone who is discreet. She must be confident and patient, and willing to sexually explore all types of fantasies.

Sara in the Carolinas
horny woman in Paluxy TX, view pic.
View profile, Paluxy TX

Enjoy life, exploring, having fun. I don't consider myself kinky, just willing to explore.

How about this......
horny woman in Paluxy TX, view photo.
View profile, Paluxy TX

I like to go to the lake, water ski, drink beer, and have a good time....AND I want to explore my bi-curiosity with another woman. I am new to this, and I want to go at my own pace, and take it slow at first. I want to meet another hottie,

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