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***New Pics***I love Big Cocks (prefer black) and I like Sweet Pussy, but only if hubby can watch!!!

I am 33 year old Brunette exploring the "Hot Wife" lifestyle with my husband of almost 12 years. I work-out 3-4 times per week have a nice private tatoo as well as private piercings. I love well endowed men and freshly shaved sweet tasting pussy. My husband enjoys watching as I play and enjoy mself. I am looking for discreet short-term flings with men, women, groups. I am right now exploring everything and my husband is allowing it. I love him for that. I want you if you are well-endowed, athletic and can last a long time. Ladies I love pussy also and would love you if you were clean shaved, average size/weight and able to give as well as recieve. P.S. I love to deep throat and swallow my men of all size!!!

View profile, Alva FL
Classy, sexual and so much fun!
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View profile, Alva FL

Discreet lovers enjoying a sexual adventure. Looking for similar classy couples for private no limit physical group fun! Threesomes, foursomes, f/f play are what we are seeking. Discretion and trust are guaranteed. horny woman in Alva FL. In general fun couples who understand our need for discretion, wink, wink. Hopefully you are in reasonable shape, we are, attractive, we are, relaxed and excited to experience so much more in the realm of the erotic!

Couple of fun people and 4 people is more fun :)
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View profile, Alva FL

Looking for new friends with an open mind that can share similar ideas and desires and actually make them happen. We both smoke but can abstain or smoke outside. We are a couple, together for a long time, we are semi-new to this and have been having a blast with the encounters we have had already and looking forward to more.

we a married couple.looking to try sometingnew
horny woman in Alva FL, view photo.
View profile, Alva FL

hes str8 she bicurios wants to try it.we've never done this b4.she's 5-6 and curvy brn hair brn eyes. he's 5-11 190 blue eyes short brn hair.happily married.we have limited babysitting for our 2 kids usually once a month or so. looking to meet bi or bicurious women or couple to fulfill fantasies.no bimen.no single men.we like to go to Ten's a stripclub in Salisbury it could be a fun place to meet and break the ice it's very couple friendly.

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