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We are a happy couple looking for some excitement in our lives. We have a very heated sex life but would like to try something new. We would like to add a woman or women to the picture. We like spontaneous women. We have lots of fantasies to carry out and we would like to share them with interested women. We only play as a couple and would like to keep it that way. We enjoy toys, lots of foreplay, and oral... We are looking for women only so please no men. We want women who are interested in a good time. MUST be Very discreet, d/d free, as well as serious about this. We do not want women who are going to say they are ready and then not show.. He is great with his tongue and she is told that she is.. Women who wat to have a good time and enjoy being the center of attention need only apply...NO MEN PLEASE!!!!

View profile, Pine ridge KY
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View profile, Pine ridge KY

October 1, 2006 Up-date: OK......we are headed to Hawaii from November 4th to the 19th, 2006 and are seeking to connect with another couple (hopefully with a bifemale) or a bifemale during our stay in Hawaii and that shows or tell us about the in's and out's there! Like are there any "Lifestyle Clubs or Nune Beaches there?" Or maybe you just wanna help us celebrate! That's cool too! horny woman in Pine ridge KY. OK....what are we looking for.....Let's try, "Honesty and Trust!" ....that's the most important factor in meeting anyone in this Lifestyle. Is this You? Do you meet this quality right up-front? We want "no drama, complications or baggage".....just fun to the fullest!

Looking for friends we can continue to have erotic fun with
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View profile, Pine ridge KY

Quiet, laid back couple, enjoys people who are secure in thier relationships. No games. No drama. We are HWP. She is a bi blond with 36C, 120lb, insatiable, with nipples to die for. He is 6'5" 210Lb, straight and loves to suck a clit. HWP, willing to explore new options and opportunities. Loving mexican food is a plus. Looking for long term friends. Or really intense one night stands. Sorry, no single males. She has a waiting list. If she's interested, she'll contact you.

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View profile, Pine ridge KY

First things first, We are a couple female is bi-curious, male is straight. We are both very aggressive and love to fuck. We're not into pain nor head games. Looking for a special female that loves getting slutty or trashy in the bedroom or outdoors, but knows how to be a lady in public. Someone that would like to spend selective weekends being fucked,sucked, and pampered. Someone that wouldn't mind going away at times for partying and fun. Race isn't important. Be prepared to be eaten and licked to full satisfaction. We like watching porn and using toys, but most of all we want you to feel comfortable with us. I hope we haven't offended anybody just trying to be honest. Hot slutty trashy bitch that loves being licked, sucked,eaten,fucked, and pleased in every way possible. That will not want to leave or part when the weekend or time is over.

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