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horny woman in Cave city KY, hot ads.
When I'm Good - I'm Good.....But When I'm Bad - I'm Really Good!!

I am uninhibited and can be sexually aggressive at times. So if you're intimidated by a woman that goes for something she wants - we probably won't get along. Looking for an outgoing, adventurous, funloving, uninhibited single/divorced white male or couple (m/f) to spend quality adult time with. Someone with a sense of humor - that can relax and enjoy the moment. A friends with benefits type relationship would be great. Definitely need to get to know you first - then we can play!!

View profile, Cave city KY
MWF Seeking Male for friendship and pleasure
horny woman in Cave city KY, with photo.
View profile, Cave city KY

I am very easy going. I love going out for dinner or staying in. I like going to the movies or staying home watching them, and who knows...maybe make some of my own..smile. I love going to the beach and let the wind brush my hair for a change. I love cooking, I am a Chef. Hubby know's and is all for it, a very big turn on for him as well as myself. I am real and interested in meeting new and exciting new people...if this is you ..... what are you waiting for?!?!We would like to try more threesomes mfm single or married males are fine as long as they don't mind sharing the fun. horny woman in Cave city KY. Someone who can carry on his end of the conversation; Who's easy going also...see's what he wants and goes after it. And who's not into mind games. Who loves romancing and being romanced. Someone who loves recieving oral...as I LOVE GIVING !! And loves 4-play!!looking for threesomes also mfm love to share the fun double the excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love to lick and be licked
horny woman in Cave city KY, view pic.
View profile, Cave city KY

I am fun and interested in meeting men and women. I want a discreet relationship. I want women for me and would also like to find some for my husband.I love to play doctor especially when it comes to the pelvic exam!!!! I want an honest good-looking guy that isn't concited and can prove with a picture that its him. being WELL endowed does increase your chances to....... I don't like pushy guys and I like to be in control. and you ladies, i like fun, outgoing, sexy and fit. a girl i can go out on the town with to tease all the boys, then pick a few to team up on and please(ya gotta please some so ya dont get a nasty reputation of bein a tease!!!) hot couples are very fun as well!

Who's got the balls................................... ...............
horny woman in Cave city KY, view photo.
View profile, Cave city KY

Hello! I'm your typical down-to-earth person, that needs to find someone unusual to wake me up. I am a busy person but there has to be more out there besides work. I get along best with people who can be honest, outgoing and likes the great outdoor kind of life. I like most sports and car racing. If you feel this is you please drop me a line. Later Well here is a good place to start. I like people with an adventurous side and have a sense of humor.I would like to find someone who is looking to get more out of life than the normal romp or one night stand. Someone to spend time with in and out of the bedroom. I love sex and am not ashamed of that fact. If you feel this could be an avenue to go down, let me know. Take care all and hope to hear from you soon!

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