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Aloha, happy and secure couple looking for a little spice in their life

We hate doing this part, drop us a line if you are interested and we can chat and take care of this section, smile:)IF U DONT HAVE NETWORK PICS, DON'T ASK FOR OURS!!!!!!! same as above. Drop us a line and we will figure this part out, smile. SINGLE MALES need not apply, thats for sure.

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Playful Couple
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View profile, New leipzig ND

Hawaii couple lookin for dicreet fun. Wife very bi and loves to play with her toys. Lookin for visitors or discreet locals for some discreet adult fun! horny woman in New leipzig ND. Looking for other couples,groups or females for fun. interested in same room sex and possible swap. Its a small island so discreet play is neccesary.Would love to play with visitors to the Big Island.

My wife loves to be sandwiched between to hard cocks...
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View profile, New leipzig ND

We are a married couple and my wife is a beautiful young Filipino. I am older then my wife and we both love sex. Occasionaly I surprise my wife with an additional partner. She prefers tall caucasian clean shaven (on the face) men with large cocks. I am completely straight. For more details, see what we are looking for below. Then, if you meet one of the sexual encounters we are seeking, email us... My wife lusts tall Caucasian men in good shape, but does not prefer body builders or anything like that. She especially likes military with clean shaven faces etc... (Blonde are a plus, but not necessary) If you are 18-30 years old and fit the bill and interested in fun with a young 25-year-old Filipino sex crazed woman, contact me. We will never meet the first time for sex. We will set up a meeting and just see if there is attraction between you two first, then we take if from there.

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View profile, New leipzig ND

we are a couple who work hard and like to play harder.not looking for love, we already got that. we are looking for someone to call when we wanna go out and party. we are very clean, safe and D/D free and expect the same. He is straight and I like 2 so if your up for some real fun with no games, hit us up. we will only respond to messages with pics nice guy who likes to party, someone who can be DISCREET, with a flexible schedule, clean, D/D free, not pushy or rude. hope this is you.

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