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The most up to date and populated swingers club resource guide online. and horny woman in Turkey city PA. Ads with photos.

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horny woman in Turkey city PA, hot ads.
We are very curious and always horny. We love to play and watch and pose for others

We love sex, watching sex and playing with toys. Very Very discrete and clean.

View profile, Turkey city PA
A couple that knows what they are looking for.
horny woman in Turkey city PA, with photo.
View profile, Turkey city PA

Please take the time to read this carefully. If you are not a REAL swinger and not ready to play, please don't waste our time. We know this may scare afew people away but those of you at are real know why we say this. We are both in our 30's and attractive. We are very open minded and outgoing. We enjoy seeing eachother having fun with others and making it fun for others. We enjoy horseback riding and riding our ATVs. We enjoy just about anything outside. Please respond with a direct e-mail address. If we write your ad or you ours and you decide your not interested, PLEASE take the time to tell us,you will not hurt our feelings and it only take a minute. Also we have decide that we want to exchange photos before meeting anyone, this is so we don't waste your time or ours. We do have to be attracted to a person or couple before we learn what type of person they are. Single guys, please send a photo, you have to be able to e-mail us a photo or two. Guys, also a single COCK shot does't cut it, we have to see what you look like besides what you have to offer. If you don't live close and we'll never meet in person, please don't ask to join our network, it won't happen. If you don't e-mail first and only ask to join our network, it won't happen. horny woman in Turkey city PA. A good personality is number 1. Looks are important also because we have to be attracted to you, not everyone is our type. We have no problem with meeting guys for threesomes but you have to give us a photo before we met and you have to be able to met us on weekends, Saturday nights are our only free nights to do this. Men who are well hung have a better chance of meeting us. Bi-women and couple are more than welcome to drop us a note.

anything is possible
horny woman in Turkey city PA, view pic.
View profile, Turkey city PA

We are a couple,she is average[5'6"-140lbs]who is a attractive lady in the medical profession. Open minded to anything,likes her country setting which is quite & secluded. Loves gardening,walks,fishing,camping,snowmobi ling[especially in the mountians],diving,ocean beaches,traveling, waching sunsets,stars,a full moon,and the northern lites.She is a lady who still likes to wear dresses,corsets,garters,&stockings.I s never without her makeup,always dressed in sexy lingerie for fun,sexual fulfillment,or jiut relaxing around the house.He is average[5'11"190lbs]a handsome man in the professional business.Loves doing the same hobbies with her,is always a gentalmen,makes you feel special and important all the time. A very good cook,does not mind doing household chores so a lady can just relax after a long day.We are both d/d free, nonsmokers,super clean, & expect the same in return. Anyone who wants to explore new things,adventures,and have a fun time at what ever makes one feel good & relaxed.

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horny woman in Turkey city PA, view photo.
View profile, Turkey city PA

We are a couple who is very secure in our marriage looking for some close friends to have some fun, we are very discreet, very clean and want to stay that way, friends first then we see what pops up, he is vas safe,she is bbw, we play together only a couple looking for fun that can be discreet and no hangups just to have some exciting times must be real and friendship is first

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