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No strings attached. Couple looking to play with you.

We are sexual people and enjoy all aspects of sex. Although we have fantastic sex together, we also have an insatiable sexual cuitousity and a desire to try new things. We are secure in our relationship and trust each other completely so we expect the same, no issues. We love meeting new people, and we are open to new experiences. We'll try just about anything once. Outside of the bedroom, we're easy to please and enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, dancing, and partying, but we're also content to just kick back and enjoy the comforts of home. Our rules are simple: We're not looking for love, but we want to meet with people we can be friends with in and outside the bedroom. We're interested in fun people who are willing to invest time into an ongoing friendship. Although one night of fun has its perks, we want friends too. We don't expect perfection, just cleanliness, confidence, and personality. You need to be able to relax and enjoy the moment. Common interests are a good thing, but shouldn't be a problem because we'll try anything once, and we usually like it. No pushy people, you have to be able to take no for an answer if its given. You have to be respectful in every aspect. We also prefer someone who will have a social drink with us from time to time.

View profile, Cottondale FL
Near the Big Horn Mtns. Standard Members Can Contact Us
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View profile, Cottondale FL

She, Very Bi and is still discovering her sexual nature. horny woman in Cottondale FL. A woman or a couple that would enjoy the magnitude of the beauty here at the ranch and in our special place in the Big Horns.

Couple who wants fun
horny woman in Cottondale FL, view pic.
View profile, Cottondale FL

We are a married couple exploring new things. We are also new, wondering why we didnt join a long time ago. We didnt know there were so many wonderful couples/men/women that are interested and into this kind of fun. We are looking for d/d free, fun people to have some new experiences with. We would like to try with a special gal or a with a nice couple. We want to get together, dinner, dancing, whatever and see what happens from there.

Just having fun!
horny woman in Cottondale FL, view photo.
View profile, Cottondale FL

First of all, we are not looking for someone to help out our marriage. We are secure and happy with our marriage, we just like to have adventure in our sex lives. We enjoy sharing with other individuals and couples. We are not into headgames. If your unsure of whether this lifestyle is for you....that's fine, but don't freak out on us when you discover it's not for you. We are looking for straight men, bi-women or couples with bi-female. If you are interested, please e-mail us with your pics and we will return the favor.

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