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Spectacular Journey Awaits

We are an attractive, trim, married couple, together 22 years. We are playful and willing to try new things. We work a lot and enjoy lots of different downtime activities. We are real, very respectful of others, and do not play games (except maybe naked Twister). I'm bi and my man is 'gifted'. We are adventurous, outgoing and friendly - are you? We're looking for a couple with a 'wild' side they would like to explore. Must be independent, active and sexy. We would like to meet a couple that is spontaneous in the bedroom and has a good sense of humor. There's no limit to the imagination. We look forward to sharing ideas with you.

View profile, Unionport OH
Looking for new friends and new experiences
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View profile, Unionport OH

We are an attached couple in our early 40's with 20 year old libedos. She is looking to explore her sensual side with other partners but especially women. He is open minded and willing to participate in MMF but is straight. horny woman in Unionport OH. Partners who are outgoing without being pushy, people who are comfortable with their sexuality and not afraid to express themselves.

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View profile, Unionport OH

We are a couple who are looking for some new and passionate events. We are looking forward to new adventures with like minded couples or ladies. Hoping to meet people like ourselves who are ready to seize the day, the moment,the experience. Prefer non-smokers, d/d free. Mature attitude with respect for the variety of people in the world.

Lets have fun
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View profile, Unionport OH

We are a WMC, married for 16 years, we have many interests but love erotic fun. We are in a secure loving relationship and expect the same in the people we meet. We are here to have fun not make anyone uncomfortable, so no pressure is a must. We are looking to explore our sexual horizons and experiences in "discreet" relationships with a women, and couples. Sorry guys, we will contact you if we are interested. If you are interested in fulfilling our fantasies as well as your own, contact us. We are always open to meeting for dinner or drinks and seeing if we all click and going from there. We hope to hear from you soon. :) Looking for a woman or couple who are outgoing and fun loving. People who are not into head games and for real. We are for real and expect the same in return. If you say you are interested in meeting then follow thru and lets meet. People who are into giving as much as they are into recieving. Selfish people need not apply. People who say who they are outside the bedroom as well as in the bedroom. If you are here looking to just get yours, then move on to the next profile.

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