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Camping weekends Slippery Rock ex.105.Hotel or your place for Sexual-Social not just social

Far away people and travalers NOT INTERESTED.CAMPERS WELCOME SLIPPERY ROCK Ex.105 I-79 and ON -GOING THRU WINTER.Also local Natrona Hts.within 20 miles.Couple wanting for real couples, to please both.Straight but some bi if desired.NO SINGLE MALES LOOKING FOR A Female and NO MARRIED MALES.Newbies and experienced,a little extra padding fine.NO KEN OR BARBIES,STATUS,CLUBS,ATTITUDE,OR DRAMA.NOT INTO CHIT-CHAT,PHOTO COLLECTERS,LONG EXTENED E-MAIL.WANT TO MEET GET NAKED AND EXPLORE.SINGLE MALE SUBs,40+,CLEAN SHAVEN,UNDER 5'9",180,LONG LASTING,D/D FREE AND MUST ENTERTAIN CONSIDERED. Looking for Couples,Woman,select Single-bi-sub males clean shaven under6',long lasting and will please both and be rewarded MUST ENTERTAIN,NO MARRIED MALE CHEATERS.New or experienced 40-65,straight or bi between Fox Chapal & Kittanning,Butler & Delmont.We can not entertain but can & will share hotel expense.Weekend eve.Looking for slow relaxing sexual pleasure.We are for real,honest,Down to earth,have total respect and expect the same.Not into back and forth one line replies very up front and discriptive. Couples, females that are interested in exploring there sexual desires with others. No traveling people.Looking for on going friendship.AGIAN STANDARD MEMBERS AND MEMBERS WITHOUT PHOTO WELCOME TO RESPOND.CAN EXCHANGE NUDE OR CLOTHED PHOTO AFTER CONTACT.WE ARE NOT INTO HEAVY PHOTO EXCHANGE JUST THE BASIC COMUNICATION IS IMPORTANT

View profile, Hookstown PA
Open minded couple seeks a little xtra fun!!
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View profile, Hookstown PA

We are a married couple looking to spice things up in the bedroom, outdoors, or wherever the mood strikes. We are looking for a couple or a single female who is willing to full swap. We're pretty easy going,we like to have a good time outside of the bedroom. We really enjoy hanging out and love the outdoors.We are D/D free and you must be also. We are serious about this so please don't waste our time if you have no intention on every getting together. horny woman in Hookstown PA. We know that everybodys not perfect and we don't expect that. Just looking for someone who will be themselve and not try to impress everyone. All we do ask is that you be D/D free. If you would like to become friends first or just have a good time once in a while, that's cool with us. Please help us fulfill our fantasies and we will definitely fulfill yours.

we want to please and spoil you.
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View profile, Hookstown PA

I am a nice man well hung,const.worker,financialy secure dedicated to pleasing womens needs.she is very hot and loves it all. we would like to be with people who are willing to try new things and have fun.

2006-Looking for couple to explore and have some fun!
horny woman in Hookstown PA, view photo.
View profile, Hookstown PA

Good looking, professional, DISCREET, couple, has experienced quite a bit. We like to have a good time and would enjoy meeting another girl or a couple to have some fun with.

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