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horny woman in Croton on hudson NY, hot ads.
Go slow, I'm too complicated to rush.

I'm a 29 year old student looking for an education. I am outgoing, outspoken, and living pretty close to the edge. I'm open minded except when I'm stubborn. Spontaneous, playful, and best described as a biker chick with little fear to hold me back. HOWEVER, honestly sincere. I have a male friend that is also playful. We have no serious relationship ties between us. We can play together, together with others, or individually with others. All I can say is if we click, we click.

View profile, Croton on hudson NY
Scientist by day, pleasure by night
horny woman in Croton on hudson NY, with photo.
View profile, Croton on hudson NY

5'1, 95lbs, slim/petite, short brown hair, brown eyes. Busy professional, temporarily on business here, not looking for a long-term relationship. horny woman in Croton on hudson NY. Sensual, and gentle with wild sexual side. Shows interest in arts. Intelligence and appearance are important.

~~~ A Shadow Only I Know~~~
horny woman in Croton on hudson NY, view pic.
View profile, Croton on hudson NY

Who am I? I am a single woman, passionate about every aspect of my life - intuitive, sensitive, artistic, moody ... I give 150% to a relationship.. I am a very private person, and I respect myself.. and expect you to show respect; If you are unable to respect me..then ignore me.. My life experience's has taught me, "Music is my first love"... ~~ I rarely cuss -and don't appreciate people doing it around me.. I save any sexual words I might say for the proper moment,ie- wee hours of the morning.. Lastly, I don't want someone who tries to change me, I sure won't/ and don't want to change you.What are my bad points? I can be a real pain in the bottom at times..*wicked smile*, especially if i'm accused of something I don't do.. I do not wish to engage in a relationship at this time..Might never want one..When/if I do - I want a man who has taken time to know himself.. not one who says (whiny voice>> "Is hard for me to show my feelings"...) OK... DON'T THEN.. take your little locked up feelings and move on...and I don't want a man who constantly talks about his groin area or how he can please me.. When a man knows how to please - he just pleases and doesn't have to say he can... he shows he can.. I don't expect perfect, as I am not .. looks are not as important as what he stand for.. sense of humor, intelligent, morals and let's see: what else.. oh yes AND don't try those *silent lies* on me.. I don't care how educated you are, you need to have *common sense*.. that works for me :) - Lastly, if you are married and want *no strings*.. sex without emotion's (which is the no strings thing)would bore me to no end..

hmm.......window shopping
horny woman in Croton on hudson NY, view photo.
View profile, Croton on hudson NY

Between relationships, still human........... straight guy, normal, nothing weird or kinky. Oh, and not married, bi, over 45 or into transvestites please...

Funny how, they dont mention the fact that the complete strangers had no problem having sex with her. Decent looking woman comes up to you in nightgown,

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