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Come play with us!

Hey! We are both college students in a serious relationship, but looking to have alittle more fun in a non-relationship setting. I'm 5'5'', brown hair, blue/green eyes, and punk-ish. I am chubby, but cute! My boyfriend is 6', brown/black hair, brown eyes and very sweet and yummy. We are both funny and into alot of different types of music and movies. A girl who is fun and energetic and in for a friendly/sexual relationship, but NOT a romantic relationship. Ideally in the boston area. We also are looking for someone who is more on the submissive side. We play only together ...and only females!

View profile, Brackney PA
looking for friends and more
horny woman in Brackney PA, with photo.
View profile, Brackney PA

we are looking for good looking, fun, hip, intelligent people; those who can offer us something in addition to amazing sex. check out the "view more responses" part to get more info about us. horny woman in Brackney PA. we are mostly looking for people who offer us depth as well as good sex. single guys and ladies/couples/groups, whatever, as long as we are a good match

We are first timers
horny woman in Brackney PA, view pic.
View profile, Brackney PA

My Husband and I are interested in pursuing girl on girl. This is something that I personally have never done, we have established ground rules, and look forward to what our curiosity has in store for us. I am looking for a younger, not to sexually advanced, but yet still able to be open enough to have a good time and possibaly take control (at least for the first time). Like I said my husband and I have ground rules, and I am looking for someone who can defently respect that. I would like the relationship to be descrete. I would like someone who takes care of their body, clean shaven, and someone who is willing to show me how this whole thing works.

Gentleman in the Board Room / Stud in the Bedroom
horny woman in Brackney PA, view photo.
View profile, Brackney PA

*NOT A COUPLE* Recent college graduate who is into the finer things in life....I try to learn something new every three months...This past three months I've just earned my CCW and shoot once a week...This coming three months I am taking ballroom dancing lessons. I workout twice a day and love adventure and have a hard time sitting around. I really enjoy intelligence & class, and have minimal dislikes.... *NOT A COUPLE* Recent college graduate living in central michigan is is looking for a friend(s) in the area that wants to get a little more crazy. I workout our regularly, work 40-60 hours a week, so I don't have much time. I'm not into the wham, bam, thank you maam, kind of thing....I like to meet new people who like to go out for dinner and drinks and see where the evening goes....I am very much into sexual adventure and my #1 mission is to pleasure the woman as much as possible...I've been told, "YOU CAN FUCK!!" or "That was the most intense, wild sex I've ever had". I look for people that are into intense sex and love to try new positions...My favorite is standing 69 ;-)....Hope to hear from you!!!

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