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couple luvs to play

We're an a fit & attractive cpl, secure with each other and luv the lifestyle. We into voyuerism, 3ways, 4ways, other couples. We prefer We like attractive fit people of all races. We enjoy mfm,ffm,& cpls. We like chatting with others that also enjoy this, We're both Voyeur's . She is also bi. We travel allot and enjoy meeting others across the country

View profile, Blackstone MA
we love to play
horny woman in Blackstone MA, with photo.
View profile, Blackstone MA

we are good people,we love to have fun.we love to camping / fishing and sex in the woods and dancing horny woman in Blackstone MA. nice and kind people and that likes the samething as we do

Looking For Friends
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View profile, Blackstone MA

Hello, We are a happily married couple looking for that little extra from life. We enjoy going camping fishing or riding our quads. We enjoy walks on the beach or mountains or just sitting around a fireplace. We have been so busy working and raising our children (sometimes its the same thing), that we missed most of our younger years and now want to explore what life has to offer. We want to meet couples or single men or women and have a friendship that both parties are comfortable with. We are not looking for pushy or one nighters. We are looking for honest people so please be yourself, we dont care if you are not h/w/p, as I dont think we are, nor are we ken and barbie and not looking for them either, just down home average people wanting that little extra from life. We also understand the meaning of bounderies and expect the same from others. We are both professionals and must be extremely discreet. We would like to meet a couple (man and woman) or single males and female,STD FREE that like the same things as us. People who know how to take thier time to make love and not just have sex. Men, you must know how to totally satisfy a lady, as I believe the lady comes first and as much as she likes, before you do. If you do this, she will be way more responsive. We like soft touches and going slow. We are looking for long term relationships not the wam bam types. If you think this is what you are looking for, then please contact us. If you just want sex and then move on, please don't waste our or your time. Thank you for looking at us. we are new to this lifestyle and need to go slow. If you have pictures please send, we will be updating our profile w/pics shortly

Married Central Oregon Lady and Hubby
horny woman in Blackstone MA, view photo.
View profile, Blackstone MA

Happily married couple looking for a caring man, (for her) a woman,(for him) or couple (for both) for friendship and fun. Open to letting things develop naturally but not into one time flings. Enjoy outdoors activities, movies, dancing. We are interested in meeting as couples or as individuals. Lets start with coffee-- Looking for special friendship. Someone willing to invest the time to develop a caring and fun adult relationship. Someone to have fun times with in public and private. Prefer married playmate but not a requirement.

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