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View profile, Guadalupita NM
Single lady looking for nice guy for nights of sex.
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View profile, Guadalupita NM

There's a little more of me to touch than the average girl (not too big, just extra padding), but I make up for it in what I can do with my tongue. I love giving and receiving oral. If you like hours of sexy pleasures, I'm your lady. horny woman in Guadalupita NM. Would like a nice, unattached guy looking for a casual relationship who knows how to touch a woman. Local guys only. I'm here for real sex, not to chat with a guy a thousand miles away. I am particularly responsive to messages that have attached photos of the important details:)

Female wants to explore her wild side!!!
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View profile, Guadalupita NM

Straight, Blue-eyed, natural redhead. Small boobs! 5'8", 125 lbs. I'm married, but am undertaking this on my own. Just exploring my wild side a bit! Friendly, fun, respectful guys for occassional meetings. However, I'm in love with my husband, and have no interest in any sort of long term commitment.

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View profile, Guadalupita NM

I am a very quiet shy person, until I get to know someone that is and very easy going. But at the same time I am up front and very honest…..honesty is the best policy. I enjoy spending time with my children and family, cuddling, watching movies at home or at the theater, taking long walks, spending time with friends, camping, and love SEX. I am also a BBW and a sub. I've dated African American men over the last few years. Have enjoyed it very much. There hasn't been anything that I haven't done for the man I am with. I am looking for an African Amercian male. A man that is trustworthy and honest and very open. Need to be drama free. Someone that I can feel comfortable talking to about anything and everything. What I am looking for and desire is friends first and if something more on the permanent basis comes out of it great.

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