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View profile, Elk mountain WY

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View profile, Elk mountain WY

I'm your typical upbeat personality, proud of the choices I've made and the life I lead. I'm the type who's got all her priorities in order, ticking off goals as I achieve them. I tend to be the funny one. I'm fast, clever, and can lighten any mood. On Sunday afternoons I like to go somewhere I've never been before. To me, traveling means broadening horizons. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you contact me please include a face pic. Just wanting to add some spice!!

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View profile, Elk mountain WY

I'm your typical upbeat personality, proud of the choices I've made and the life I lead. Hey there! I'm an easy going, nonjudgmental girl who's looking for new things to try out. I'm the type who's always looking to improve on what I have. I get along best with people who are always looking for new people, places and experiences. On Sunday afternoons I like to go somewhere I've never been before. I want to try all the things I've always wanted to do. I like to kink things up a notch from time to time. I'm just wondering what's out there that I haven't tried yet. Commitment-wise, it doesn't have to be serious, so long as we enjoy it. I'm not changing my life, I'm changing how I live it. I look forward to whatever life brings. If you contact me I promise to make it worth your while. I am looking for a person who is interesting, adventerous and confident. Someone who is real because I only connect with real people. So i hope that I can come across that person

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