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I am looking for friends first then fun later if thats what happens.wELL ABOUT ME I AM ENGAGED AND HE IS currently deployed we just ,moved here 3 weeks ago from north carolina so im new to this whole thing my friend told me about it..... i dont smoke or drink i stay at home wit the kids chillin.he is black 6'2, body like a gym buff..7 tatoos well hung maybe 11 inch and thick..not ruff soft and slow.unless from behind watch out lol.. i am hispanic/indian. i am 5'11 a runway model 36 D so i dont have a big ass lol but have some big boobs lol IM NOT LOOKING FOR A MAN...just a female who is nice and clean and no drama.. kids is a plus. I am looking for someone who is fun and faithful. someone who is willing to try anything. no nothing out of this world crazy. a female who i can hang out with.. SHOPPING DINNER MOVIES SALON

View profile, Casco MI
Exploring my fantasies of a HOT & WET WOMAN who is willing to have give and receive!!!!!!
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View profile, Casco MI

I am happily married woman who is discreet in my sexual life. Have had several F/F bi-sexual encounters and love, love, loved it!!!! I enjoy the "FRIENDS with BENEFITS"!!!! I AM LOOKING FOR FEMALE TO FEMALE ONLY!..NO EXCEPTIONS!!! horny woman in Casco MI. I am looking for A FEMALE that is bi, friendly, outgoing and takes care of herself. I want someone who can be FRIENDS that likes to hang out and also enjoy each others company and all those sexual disires that we fantasize about.

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View profile, Casco MI

I don't really know what to say about myself. I am an easy going person looking to meet other women my age to spend time with. I have so many ideas that I don't really think I can even begin to start, but I'll give it a try...

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horny woman in Casco MI, view photo.
View profile, Casco MI

I have a sexy body and great looking feet as well as the rest of my body. I'm looking for fun. someone to trade pics with and have erotic fantasies turn into personal pleasures......I'm married and my husband does not know i'm online doing this. I would like to keep it that way.....I explore my body quite often in front of the computer. we can have fun looking at each other. This is new for me but really does turn me on

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