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I am curious about being with another woman!

I am a big & beautiful BBW who enjoys sex. I often wonder about being with a woman and would love to see if it is as good as it seems. The thought of eating another woman just turns me on and I would love to try as soon as possible. I am only down for clean discreet fun. Females only please and be D/D free! I am looking for a woman who doesn't mind being a freak. Size does not matter to me. I want a woman to either show me what she knows or someone who does not mind learning with me. I do not want any woman and her man or any men period.

View profile, Hurtsboro AL
About me...
horny woman in Hurtsboro AL, with photo.
View profile, Hurtsboro AL

I am a 41 year old female in a committed relationship. I would love to find a female who would like to have a sexual relationship with me while my other half enjoys the view or me or us... I am VERY bi-curious and would love to chat with others who are also bi-curious. I would also consider other couples who are interested in the same... horny woman in Hurtsboro AL. Other women who are willing to be watched while with me! Let's share experiences and whatever else we choose!

Free to play----sexuallly alive and adventuresome
horny woman in Hurtsboro AL, view pic.
View profile, Hurtsboro AL

Open,passionate,sensual,sexual, single educated female. I live with purpose and intensity. I like laughter, built up lust that we can spend hours fulfilling, intelligent conversation, dirty talk turns me on. I will wear sexy, risque clothes or crawl on you naked, whatever the desire du jour. Tease me, I'll taunt you. Kiss me so I feel the sting of your lips for hours... I want to feel the tongue of you intimately until I quiver... Make me beg for you..... Ordinary is NOT in my vocabulary. I like experiences that move me, that possess me, that excite me. I want someone who is passionate, powerful, playful, and a bit on the bad side. I want to be taken with intensity. I want a man with a soul that speaks to mine.

Looking for it All!
horny woman in Hurtsboro AL, view photo.
View profile, Hurtsboro AL

Very real slim white female looking for fun beyond marriage. Hubby's not open to the fun I'm seeking. Love to meet a nice single female that I can play with and satisfy my need to be with a woman. While being friends would be nice, this is all about getting off, isn't it? Looking for the holy grail (single bi female) but would love to play with a hot couple. I've always wanted to suck a nice big cock while sitting on a gorgeous woman's face!

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