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Milf seeking hot times/playmates.

We are looking to fullfill a fantasy for the wife. Looking for a hot male, female or couple to meet with her all alone and give a hot massage to her. She would meet or maybe both of us would meet out for a drink and see if she feels comfortable. Then have a hotel room waiting with candles, wine, massage oil, etc. You know what I am getting at. Then she would get a nice long massage from you or the couple. She would get so hot, she would be ready to explode. Then the rest of the story would be written by all involved. This would be done without me (the husband) and it would fullfill a fantasy of hers. Any fantasy of hers is a fantasy of mine. So all you hot guys, gals, and couples if you are interested in helping out a fantasy for a sexy hot milf. Then please give us a shout. Couples that are looking for a bi-female to join them with no male in the picture, this would be a great opportunity for you as well. Maybe if you help her out with her fantasy, she could help you out with yours. Hot Couples near our age +/- 7yrs of our own. Secure people that are not into drama. Just looking to enjoy some great times with great people that could become lifelong friends. Not just looking for sexual encounters. We are interested in conversation, laughing, boating, dinner, drinks and if we make that sexual connection Great. If we don't, then that's OK.

View profile, Bradfordwoods PA
looking for hot fun times
horny woman in Bradfordwoods PA, with photo.
View profile, Bradfordwoods PA

Married 27 yrs mostly happy lol but cum on same ol stuff. Variety is the spice of life they say so lets check it out. We are just normal everyday people looking for the same. W.e only play together in same room and not into any weirdo shit We are clean and disease free ub2. Can travel for good times horny woman in Bradfordwoods PA. people who are fun to be with in and out of the bedroom a friendship could be nice

27F and 56M looking for fun couples, men and women!!!!!!!!
horny woman in Bradfordwoods PA, view pic.
View profile, Bradfordwoods PA

Clean discreet classy couple like to have fun in and out of the bedroom, open to trying new things with people like us, very laid back and witty looking to make new long term friends with benefits!!!!!! Looking for discreet couples women or men that like life on the lighter side! Be fun and honest.

Looking for another sexy couple!
horny woman in Bradfordwoods PA, view photo.
View profile, Bradfordwoods PA

***NO SINGLE GUYS*** We are looking for a couple (bi-female a plus!). Single Bi females are few and far between, but if you are one and your interested, we'd love to hear from you. We are not looking for any single guys at this point, sorry, nothing personal, just not at this time. We are looking for people that take care of themselves and that are D/D free, as we are. You don't have to be "Ken and Barbie", but on the other hand we are not interested in those that are 'heavy'. We have been in the Lifestyle for a number of years and are looking for both long term relationships as well as intimate encounters. We enjoy staying home and watching a movie as well as going out to the bars. We have a very busy life that can make meeting new couples a challenge at times, so we like to plan ahead. If we sound like someone that you would like to get to know, send us a message!

THE BATTLE OVER SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Couple split up, drop names from state court case.

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