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Couple looking for some adult fun, ,,not the usual player games

Male, 5ft9in, 210lbs, brown hair, straight, not safe. Female 5ft 7in, 140lbs, long blonde hair, bi, safe. She is sugically safe and he is not.She will do 3-somes while he watches. She is very oral and likes long fuck sessions. We will not respond to people who don't send pic or phone number to talk. NO MARRIED GUYS LOOKING FOR FUN WITHOUT WIFE--NO GUYS UNDER 35 AND NO GUYS OVER 53 WE ONLY PLAY ON WEEKENDS Sincere discreet couples, prefer couples that are not extreme over weights. Will meet with single guys that a well hung or black guys, Also looking for a small group of guys (2-3) We are for real and you should be also. . We are clean, sincere and discreet, you be too. If you don't fit the description of what our profile says we are looking for, please don't respond WE ONLY PLAY ON WEEKENDS

View profile, Littleton IL
Fun couple looking for good times and good friendship
horny woman in Littleton IL, with photo.
View profile, Littleton IL

We are a happily married couple. We have been in the lifestyle for 6 years and enjoy full swap and seeing each other enjoy it with others. She likes to dress sexy and flirt. She likes to get eaten out and likes it to last long and enjoys pleasing others. she is Bi curious and is eager to be with the right female. We are very open and honest and are open to trying new things. We believe that looks are not everything it's what's inside that counts and the desire to have fun. horny woman in Littleton IL. We are looking for other couples or women that are serious about swinging and want to develop a friendship and do other fun things together. We are looking for people that are committed to having fun. Honesty is very important to us and good communication. We are not into picture swapping, we are in it for the real thing. Face shots upon request. We are looking for good friends and people that want to become friends and have great sex. We are not looking for one night stands. singles are welcome as long as there are commited and are not cheating on there spouse. you must be dd free and clean

CPL looking for openminded men, women and couples
horny woman in Littleton IL, view pic.
View profile, Littleton IL

Looking for an individual or a couple to go out and have fun with, would prefer someone interested in erotic travel and alternative lifestyles. Someone looking for fun and pleasure.MUST be on the up and up with your partner, cowardly CHEATERS need not apply. Please be close to our age range late thirties to early fifties...HWP and clean, we are not from the land of the large and unlaundered so please don't you be either. Someone that can stand on their own but loves to be pampered at times. Someone that is free to travel, or likes to go on spontanious road trips.Someone who is honest, no cheating spouses or partners.

bi male looking for same, wife joins in, network invites welcome
horny woman in Littleton IL, view photo.
View profile, Littleton IL

We have learned to let go of the fear's that have stopped us from experiencing the many beautiful fantasies that lived out in our minds over and over. HE-- There are several fantasies that I'm still looking forward to living out. One that dominates my mind is having a woman watch me as I share oral or anal pleasure with another man, and she/they join in. Don't get me wrong, I still love being with women, and actually prefer their company. I am married to a wonderful one. She is oral,vaginal, and anal, and in sex, has cryed "uncle" only a couple times. She likes to watch two men play, and will gladly join in for a piece of the pie. We have found out there is many ways to give and receive pleasure. We would want to get to know the people first. If your a couple that is curious, and would like to explore options and fantasies, we would love to discuss this. HER-- He is vasectomy safe, very oral and digital, LOVES recieving anal. SINGLE MALES, you will meet one on one with my husband first, oral and anal, "sexually implied"! I will NOT be there for that meeting, when the two of you deem it good, I will join at a later date. Nothing painful, giving or receiving. Honesty is the only way. Please, no one line letters. For those that have nothing on your profiles, please describe yourselves and what your likes are. Please share a pic of yourself, naked body is fine. A Bi-curious couple, Bi-couple, or a bi-male, that is clean and free of STD's. We are willing to discuss with Couples that are curious about exploring. Bi males liking oral both ways, and giving anal will be prefered. SEND PHOTOS OF YOURSELVES and you will get a answer. Please make your age between 35 and 60. Single Males will meet my husband first, "sexually implyed". AGAIN, LETTERS WITH PHOTOS, all else might not be considered. HWP please. READ. Standards can view all photos in albums posted there. More of us in our network photo albums. Invitations to the network will be accepted. Standards can send winks.

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