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Sorry-Guys will be deleted! Looking for attractive female for fun and safe sex. I am selective but open minded and I want someone who has the same expectations. I want to have no strings or relationships I have a boyfriend but I enjoy the sexual company of girls. I love to dance and I desire NO drama. I know what I want and I can share with you. I am for real and serious. No Flakes, No fakes, and NO GUYS! Only reply if you have pics! Attractive girl totally into it for the fun sexual experience and no strings attached, needs to be discreet and open-minded, experience a plus but not necessary.

View profile, Stilesville IN
Please read the profile before you send me anything.
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View profile, Stilesville IN

Why is it that some people use fake pictures and have 2000 friends, half of my friends, Ive never even chatted with. horny woman in Stilesville IN. Im looking for another woman to spend some fun time with. She doesnt have to be perfect but I will only consider women who take care of themselves, and are attractive. Honest, open-minded, and willing to have some FUN!!!! Please only respond if you are a woman and you are serious about meeting. I am not looking for a man, I have a wonderful one already.

Fit Bi-Sexual Woman Seeks Same
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View profile, Stilesville IN

Hi, I'm in sales and a personal trainer. I love women. I love their look, their smell, their touch, their taste. I have a boyfriend and he knows I am bi. It is not a requirement for me to have him there though. I love to play alone or with him involved. I do like to watch him with other women as well. I am 5'5, 120lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes. I am looking a for a fun-loving woman who enjoys sex with women who is very attractive and fit as well.

A smart girl with my own money!
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View profile, Stilesville IN

I am a smart and pretty girl with lots of goals for my future! I am 23 years old and own my own company MelTech. INC as well as running my websites. My MelissaMidwest web site is one of the most sucessful single girl sites on the web. I am looking to just have a good time. I HAVE A GUY JUST LOOKING FOR A GIRL TO PLAY WITH A BIT! I also wanted to add that I just started my contest to find a girl to start a website with!!! The winner gets 0,000 and a car! Just send me a message if you have any questions? Must be very cute! I also expect her to be polite and have some sort of plan in life. I am really looking for that girl who just isn't quite satified and wants to try something different. I HAVE A GUY JUST LOOKING FOR A GIRL TO PLAY WITH A BIT!

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