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Attractive couple interested in meeting other couples or females for friendship and everything else! We're not into aggressive people. Prefer to get to know you first and see where it goes. Should be spontaneous with a great sense of humor and an appetite for new experiences. I guess we're looking for the same thing everone else is. SEX!

View profile, New douglas IL
We are Here...Where are You?
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View profile, New douglas IL

A couple with kids who like to get away from the norm ...Like to have fun out of the bedroom as well as in it. Her ..shes bi curious and He ..well he likes Straight up fuckin( with WOMEN) horny woman in New douglas IL. Someone who likes to fuck as much as we do ...DUH

Hot couple looking for females and couples - hello london!
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View profile, New douglas IL

We're looking for a girl or a couple who are up for some intelligent conversation and hot sex with a warm, fun sexy couple - who loves to travel and loves NYC and London! girls love her. so do boys.

Open Minded Couple Looking for Excitement
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View profile, New douglas IL

We are a very open minded and sexual couple. Our home sex life is wonderful and we enjoy each other very much. We are both very passionate about sex and enjoy it to the fullest. He is a straight male, and she is a bisexual female... still looking for her first experience. For more informations about our sexual likes, dislikes (not many), or what we are specificially seeking, look us up for some deeper conversation... We are an open minded couple that is looking for some excitement. We are very much in love with each other and comfortable with our relationship. We have decided to introduce a little spice into our sex life by trying a few things. We are interested in other couples, other females, and possible other males upon her approval. We are very laid back, easy going, and just looking for some fun, no drama, no problems. If you are interested in seeing if there is a fit.... by all means, let us know. We are pretty much open to many avenues, i.e. mfm, fmf, group, etc. As far as specific likes, dislikes,etc, we should talk and explore that with some conversation....

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