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New at this....wanna play?

If you want to know my name just ask. I'm a 26 year old female who likes to go clubbin and hang out with friends (Just moved to Pennsylvania so it's hard to do). I am looking for fun and exciting WOMEN to hang out with and just have a good time. On top of that I am looking for that special lady that is going to help cure my craving for another women. Most importantly, to just have fun and enjoy life.

View profile, New germany MN
Looking for friendship, fun, and hot sex with bi-fems and couples
horny woman in New germany MN, with photo.
View profile, New germany MN

I am sexy and fun with a very high sex drive, however, I am very selective when it comes to partners in the bedroom. If you are looking for a "rake thin" supermodel move on. I am "thick and sexy"" but not a BBW. I am fit, work out 5 days a week, and I am told by many that I oooze sex appeal. I love lingerie and sexy clothes. I am very happily married with kids, so discretion is expected. I am looking for two things to fulfill my sexual desires and fantasies. I love the touch and taste of a sexy women and I love to play with other couples, as a couple, with my husband. I can play totally on my own or with hubby he allows me my freedom to play ;-) .We are both healthy, lifetime D&D free, and very clean. horny woman in New germany MN. If you are a sexy girl looking for a "friend with benefits" or just straight up hot girl/girl sex, I'd love to meet you. Age and shape is not as important as looks; you must be beautiful and confident in yourself and your body. I prefer fully shaven "down south"; you must be very clean, D&D free. My husband may watch occasionally, if you are ok with that, but this is really my deal and he fully supports my need to be with another women. Please send or show face pics. No pics, no play !!! //////////////////////////////////////// // We also love couples. Age is not important, but we are looking for career/professional minded couples, that have similar family situations to ourselves, who want to escape the madness for a few hours a week ;-). We are really looking to build long term friendships (dinner, drinks, movies), as well as, comfortable, confident partners in the bedroom. Initially G/G fun, but as we build our relationship we are happy to go same room, soft swap, and for the right people, full swap. Clean, discrete, D&D couples only. Face pics please. //////////////////////////////////////// //// Finally - to the single guys out there. Its not beyond the realm of possibility, but I am really looking for very specific ladies and couples. I am happy to chat on IM, but a huge cock and the promise of a long tongue with the ability to breath through your ears is not going to change my mind. Subtle, confident, and "young" may make me break my promise ;-)

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horny woman in New germany MN, view pic.
View profile, New germany MN

Hey there! I'm an easy going, nonjudgmental girl who's looking for new things to try out. I'm in the mood for a creative fuck buddy in my life. I like my partners to be bi or bi-curious. I'm not changing my life, but I want to explore a few new options and see how it works out. If you contact me bear in mind that I'm just looking for a fuck buddy, not a soulmate. I'm bi-curious. I'm interested in exploring sex with another woman.

looking for couples or bi-lady
horny woman in New germany MN, view photo.
View profile, New germany MN

We are married couple looking for another couple to play with on weekends and if all is comfortable female on female durring week play . I am 5'6 140lbs short blondish/brown hair with brown eyes. Not hard on the eyes so I have been told all around average bi female looking either for a one-on-one females or other couples with a bi-lady. Looking for the right female I can get together with when kids are in school hubby knows of my sexual preference and is fine with me playing alone ( we are also a full swap couple with the right couple) if interested in meeting for lunch drop me a line. Let me know if you are looking for just a female or a couple must have a pic for me to respond.I am not into long drug out e-mails like to meet after talking once or twice so be ready to meet if the desire and lust and trust is there who knows what will happen.

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