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MWC looking for Spice! All Races Welcum.

Hello we are a MWC in the Mobile, AL area looking for friendship and adult encounters. Male 5'10" 200 lbs Str 8, Female 5'6" 150 lbs, Bi. We are looking for other people to swing with. Well hung (8+ inches) single males and single females are always welcome. Different races adds to the spice. Just send us your picture and we will be sure to contact you. A Discreet Relationship is a must. Looking for hung men (8+), single females, and couples. We like to meet for drinks before swinging. Sometimes we just meet at the hotel room and have some drinks there.

View profile, Kents hill ME
Everything is sweeter down south!!!
horny woman in Kents hill ME, with photo.
View profile, Kents hill ME

We're a couple that likes to have FUN!!! We've had some really good times and we're looking forward to having more! It's a "couples thing" for us. We enjoy spending our time together and meeting new friends. We are in this together and enjoy bringing new adventure and pleasure to each others lives. We're completely committed to each other and not looking to replace what we have, only add to the wonderful life that we live together. horny woman in Kents hill ME. We are looking for flirtation, fun, and possibly (hopefully) more. We are looking for an attractive single woman or couple for playtime and exploring our limits. We are very committed to our relationship and are not looking to replace what we have...we would just like to enhance our playtime by exploring a few fantasies! We are NOT a full swap couple, but we do enjoy many other avenues of pleasure. We DO however, keep the door open for possible adventures down the road. Never say Never! It will all depend on the couple and the connection. But if SOFT SWAP bothers you, perhaps you should move on. There may indeed be more down the road, but we don't want anyone being judgemental on what we may or may not do. We're looking for sexual pleasure, not intimacy. We've found that some things should only be shared between one another, while other things can be a lot of fun with friends! :)

Looking for That special girl
horny woman in Kents hill ME, view pic.
View profile, Kents hill ME

Looking for a long term relationship with a girl that likes to play as a couple....I am very respectful and love to treat the one I am with special..I am not clingy or judgmental.... Looking for Couples or Single women to have social and adult fun with. Will consider select single males but must be respectful,clean.HWP, Must be within 1hr of us. Must be Drug and Disease free!

Friends First (FF)
horny woman in Kents hill ME, view photo.
View profile, Kents hill ME

Hello, we are a couple that is totally in love, trust each other, secure with each other, enjoy frindship with others and want to develop our own circle of good friends who have similar interest and attitudes. She is a strinkingly beutifulAsian woman; has a sexy personality; gregarious and a petite lady who has teriffic legs and a figure second to none. She is willing to have fun with the other female and let the men watch and get turned on. She is a great dancer. He is of various races, tall, tan, in shape, handsome, has beautiful blue eyes, very laid back, funny and enjoys the comany of others. He is never pushy and goes with the flow. I'm the more aggressive one; and more often than not, I lead the way. We are looking for mature, attractive, adventurous, energetic and flirtatious couples that are open minded, somewhat aggressive, but not pushy, not obnoxious, not shy about displaying their body, willing to freely discuss and show their naughty sexual side. We love role playing. We insist on all being completely discreet. Our first interest is building a mutual trusting friendship with a couple and if that happens, then eveything else will fall in place. We want a female who can join me in an erotic dance and play for our men and then have them join us. What happens next depends on the women. For right now, we're only looking for girl, girl paly and sex with your partner only. You must send us picture; but please, no more pictures of dicks or vaginas since we do not considered them a turn on or tasteful. Every male must be accompanied by a female.

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