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Date:: 02/28/20; Name:: Bao Tran; Age:: 29; From:: Viet nam; Sex:: female; Prefers-a-pen-pal-that-is:: and horny woman in Rochester VT. Ads with photos.

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Friends First (FF)

Hello, we are a couple that is totally in love, trust each other, secure with each other, enjoy frindship with others and want to develop our own circle of good friends who have similar interest and attitudes. She is a strinkingly beutifulAsian woman; has a sexy personality; gregarious and a petite lady who has teriffic legs and a figure second to none. She is willing to have fun with the other female and let the men watch and get turned on. She is a great dancer. He is of various races, tall, tan, in shape, handsome, has beautiful blue eyes, very laid back, funny and enjoys the comany of others. He is never pushy and goes with the flow. I'm the more aggressive one; and more often than not, I lead the way. We are looking for mature, attractive, adventurous, energetic and flirtatious couples that are open minded, somewhat aggressive, but not pushy, not obnoxious, not shy about displaying their body, willing to freely discuss and show their naughty sexual side. We love role playing. We insist on all being completely discreet. Our first interest is building a mutual trusting friendship with a couple and if that happens, then eveything else will fall in place. We want a female who can join me in an erotic dance and play for our men and then have them join us. What happens next depends on the women. For right now, we're only looking for girl, girl paly and sex with your partner only. You must send us picture; but please, no more pictures of dicks or vaginas since we do not considered them a turn on or tasteful. Every male must be accompanied by a female.

View profile, Rochester VT
Bored in small town
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View profile, Rochester VT

We are outgoing,laid back,enjoy traveling with our RV.Enjoy meeting new people,cooking out and having a drink,the beach,the mountains,and alot of SEX. horny woman in Rochester VT. Looking for people with some of the same interest.Couples,SELECT males,and bi-females.Not into picture collecting,but do like to see a photo before meeting.Not into chatting or long emails.We actually do meet when we find the right people.If you're not serious,please don't waste our time.We have sons and a small buisness ,so not alot of idle time.Don't mean to sound blount,but we've had a prior account, and know there are alot of BSers here.If you're serious, we'd love to hear from you.Looking for clean-shavened or well-trimmed, D&D free,persons.

We like to get it on with who ever can hang on
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View profile, Rochester VT

very open SEXY and willing couples who are looking for the finer things in life and sex. We are willing to travel all over the world to do what we like(our passports are ready). We are looking for the serious Sexy people only for hard core activities!! we are looking for lots and lots of fun and excitement. open free willing people who are not up tight and are willing to share freely. We play hard and fuck even harder. If you don't mind my man giving your lady the dick down then he wouldn't mind if you sock it to my hot juicy pussy. And My wife can lick a pussy so good it will make your tows snap, and i like to watch her do it.don't be scared were not going to hart you. if you need so we will take it slow.

We are a couple in Alaska. Looking for others similar to us.
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View profile, Rochester VT

We are a good looking couple that are looking for others that have similar interest to ours. We like to have fun and are open minded. We enjoy camping and fishing and just driving around this magnificent state. If we have not been there we are willing to go. We are not interested in entering into a "lifestyle", or one night stands.

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