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Fun Loving Cpl for like minded cpls and females

We are a physically fit, clean, attractive, married couple, in our mid 40's. New to this, but curious and motivated. We are d/d free, caring, discreet, and are in search of the same. We enjoy forging longterm friendships and traveling to warm, and exotic places. Building and maintaining friendships is important to us, as is a great sense of humor. Friendship and respect first - playing naked is apt to follow. We are looking for couples and females for webcam "play", friendship, and possible meetings. We enjoy voyeur/exhibitionism, "same room" sex and maybe soft swing with the right cpl or fem; however, we are very selective. We are not hardcore lifestylers and NOT into full swap, at this time. Single or bi-sexual males please look elsewhere. If lying nude on a beach, under the warm sun, in a loving, sexual embrace is your style, while also enjoying a good laugh with sexy, erotic, fun-loving friends, you may be a match for us.

View profile, Natural bridge NY
Fun Couple looking for Couples in our area.
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View profile, Natural bridge NY

We are a couple looking for other couples for intimate clean safe fun. We are looking for a couple that is also new to this lifestyle, starting off with same room sex, soft swap and building on this with right couple. Looking for layed back fun couples. horny woman in Natural bridge NY. We are looking for friendship in and out of bed. We like going out to dinner with friends, dancing. Would love to have some hot tub fun. One on one webcam fun. Must be discreate. We have a place and can entertain.

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View profile, Natural bridge NY

We are a couple that has been in the lifestyle for a few years, looking to further our explorations with like minded persons. She is bi. Enjoy couples, women, and select males. Will provide additional photos to show more of ourselves if we decide a meeting may be possible. Standard members can contact us. Looking for others that are secure in thier relationship and only look to this lifestyle for added fun in thier relationship. Do not want persons who will fantasize or desire relationships with either of us individually.

Sexy sweet and down to earth.
horny woman in Natural bridge NY, view photo.
View profile, Natural bridge NY

We are very attractive married couple looking for friends, or couples (man and woman) to have fun sex with. She is 4’11” and 94lb. Green eyes, very very sweet and submissive. He’s just and old redneck boy with white teeth that gets him by. We are financially secure, positive, funny, happy, and very generous. Most of our friends would say that as a couple we are easy-going and she is a little shy. We are happily married and love watching each other have a goodtime. but we’re also interested in building enduring relationships.We do not have time to chat or send endless e-mail. If you are serous about meeting in person then please send a face photo so we will know you are not a member of our family (smile) and we will respond with same. We are uncomfortable sending a lot of personal info to people we don’t know or have never meet. We’re looking for people who can be discreet because they are like us with family and friends in the area. We are not looking for people that are addicted to porn or think about sex 24 -7. If you also like talking about and doing other things, like boating, motorcycles, cars, travel, sunsets, good food and drink, shopping, business, think positive and happy then we could have a lot of fun together.

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