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HELLO TO MY OLD & NEW PROSPECTS WHATS BEEN GOING WITH U ?I owe you guys an apology when I first, I had no ideal what this site was about.I though once you met this guy and you connected on a level that you both agree on we would spend 1on1 quality time together.BUT BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!ITS ALL ABOUT SEX AND MORE SEX WITH MULTIPLE PARTNERS ONE TIME BOOTY CALL ANYWAY, ANYTIME, AND ANYWHERE ALSO I DIDN'T KNOW U HAD TO BE TIGHT 2 BE PICK FOR THE NIGHT(FINE,BARBIE,VIDEO GIRL)HEY!! HEY!!SEX RIGHT!!well pussy & dick don't have a face or body LOL some may b small & tight, big & wet Like mine baby once u slid in raindrop r falling waterfall,some dick are small ,some long.But some of you guys have the DAMMMM thing going on Make a sistha want to taste and chase the rainbow.I'm a professional in the field of education who is an average women not bad on the eyes ample in size who enjoy having sex on a regular.I'm not in to one time booty call,THE REASON WHY DAMMM IF THE SHIT IS GOOD I WANT TO HIT IT AGAIN BABY!!! SO IF THIS IS U PLEASE PLEASE PASS ME BY. I KNOW WHY I'M HERE AND SO DO U!!!! LOL (YES GET LAID IN THE RIGHT WAY, NOT LOOKING TO GET MARRIED I HAVE THAT ALREADY,LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO MEET MY NEEDS WHEN EVER THE TIME LETS US!!! ALSO IF UR UNDER 33 DON'T WASTE MY TIME PLEASE!I'm fine just a little board with my married sex life right now.I love to have sex with a man who knows how to put it on a sistha I love doggy style and to have my man to hit the spot & having an orgasm thats a awesome feeling thats out of this world, bcuz DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM right now my man not hitting anything !!!!I enjoy it when my man smack that ass while he's making love to me.!!! I DON'T have nude pics ,why because you can have all the nude pics in the world BUT THE PROOF IS IN THE ACTION YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ,{ACTION TALK BULL SHIT WALK BABY.. so if there's a partner out there who'll support me, indulge me, and respect me I like my partners to be aggressive and take-charge to a certain point. The philosophy I live by is don't judge, but always stay true to my personal set of values. I've reached the point to where my marriage sex life just isn't doing it for me. I need something else in my life to spice thing up a little.I'm not changing my life, but I want to explore a few new options and see how it works out. If you contact me I promise to make it worth your while. I'm looking for someone whos very romantic who don't mind listening to Kem or some love song to put you in that groove. Looking into each other eyes and connection with each other soul knowing that ur getting ready to freak each other out from head to toe with that sweet body chemistry knowing that the clocks has no time. I want my partner to be real with me and himself.And we both know our places in our relationship

View profile, Foxworth MS
Lonely nurse new to town looking for company
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View profile, Foxworth MS

I am a 23 year old nurse originally from Texas. I would best describe myself as shy, I have brown hair blue eyes. horny woman in Foxworth MS. I'm straight/bi-curious. I'm interested)in exploring sex with another man.

A waterbaby (SoCal gal) turned desertdoll.
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View profile, Foxworth MS

New to Albquerque; I'm creative, artistic, intelligent, and fun to be around. Honesty and integrity are extremely important to me. I love being outdoors in the sun, going new places, and good company. Always exploring new ideas, places, and people. I would prefer a LTR (that doesn't mean a live-in or an exclusive relationship altho I am not opposed to either with the right person), and am willing to take the time to get to know someone. But, in the meantime ... well, fun would work! I'm open minded and enjoy the 'lifestyle' should a relationship head that way. Please respect that I am not interested in married men and that I am a N/S and cannot tolerate heavy smokers and/or cigar smokers. Someone who enjoys spending time doing things or going places together; something more than a typical one-nighter or occasional romp, but not a 24/7. A really great, nice, fun guy who totally adores me with at least a hint of chemistry ... oh yeah, a healthy sense of humor is required and if you've got a private pool in your backyard and are hairy, that's certainly plus!

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View profile, Foxworth MS

A Snob, enjoying the finer things in life. "If you've got it, flaunt it" Looking to be used, humiliated and degraded, to be punished for my privileged and decadent lifestyle.

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