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DD is a bi, 5'7", full figured, attractive, sexy woman with great legs and she loves to go out in public dressed to please & tease! Rusty is 5'3", str8, & likes to watch DD enjoy herself. Rusty only joins in when invited or if swapping may be imminent! Tho DD likes women's sexy butts & Rusty is an avid leg man we both love every aspect of natures greatest & most beautiful creation, Woman! We are very much in love and enjoy sharing erotic adventures together. We are open minded & like a variety of activities including camping, darts, cards, pool, gambling, people watching & especially parties among many other things. When we meet people we don't EXPECT to get lucky as luck has nothing to do with it. We either connect or we don't and if there's a mutual attraction then the fun can really start! Tho our encounters have been limited, we've met many nice people & we've also made some good friends. But hey, there's always room for more! Our main goal is to make friends that have some of the same interests as ours. No person can be attractive to all but many different types do appeal to us, with good personalities being the most important feature of all! We find each other attractive & many will agree but, by the same token, many won't. You've now seen a few of our pics and read our profile, so, if you like what you've read & seen invite us to your network where we have many more pics posted. Ladies and couples, hopefully with a bi or bi-curious female. Please keep in mind that Rusty is straight. Must be clean & take care of yourselves (as we do)and obviously, D & D free.

View profile, Curran MI
We want to watch you
horny woman in Curran MI, with photo.
View profile, Curran MI

We've been together since we were in high school. we never got a chance to be with some one different ,or to be able to explore our sexuality. my husband is a little shy to this area. so if u could help loosen him up to the idea, would love to hear from u.We would like to try something new. If you want to play let us know. horny woman in Curran MI. Ladies and couples, hopefully with a bi or bi-curious female. Please keep in mind that Rusty is straight. Must be clean & take care of yourselves (as we do)and obviously, D & D free.

Attractive couple seeks same
horny woman in Curran MI, view pic.
View profile, Curran MI

Will be at Desire Cancun for New Years. We are not new to swinging but we are selective. We enjoy going to strip clubs together and especially with other couples. We enjoy couples clubs and parties, but we are usually just spectators or have fun with each other, as we rarely get naked the first time we meet someone. We would like to meet other couples that are attractive and secure, not looking for any drama, but we are looking for friendship in addition to hot sex. Age and race are not important to us. We enjoy getting to know a variety of people. She prefers guys that aren’t hairy and are more well hung than not. She likes women who aren’t afraid to take the lead. She likes a nice ass on both guys and girls. He is a titty man and hasn’t seen a titty that he didn’t like! We both like a wide range of women from thin to thick. At the risk of sounding shallow, looks are important to us, we aren’t perfect and we aren’t looking for perfect people, but this is about sex, so a physical attraction is important. We prefer nonsmoking couples, but considerate smokers are welcome.

Attractive, fit 42yo straight couple
horny woman in Curran MI, view photo.
View profile, Curran MI

We're going to be at the Metropolitan Hotel in Vancouver Friday night, July 7th. Looking for playmates later part of the evening! Straight attractive couple, seeking friends with benefits. We are looking for other couples who are attractive and height/weight proportionate. ISO the elusive mutual chemistry leading to full same room swap, not photo shy a plus. Above average singles are also welcome. We have a really cool huge old house in south central Colorado where we can host, child free, steaming hottub under the stars, and a home bar which closes only to the most beligerent of morons. We are laid back, unassuming, easy on the eye, love to travel, party and have a good time. We're tested and clean, and we will not use condoms. Looking for other attractive couples, friends with benefits, good attitudes and a sense of humor.... Things we do: smoke, drink, use foul language, side with the underdog, refuse to conform, spin rightgeous tunes, fish, camp, shoot guns and billiards, wake up the neighbors, snorkel tropical reefs, enjoy cash, stockpile offensive classless jokes for tense and serious situations, grow our hair, drive fast cars.... Things we don't do: assume, put on airs or hang with people who do, judge, hurry, take viagra, discuss politic

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