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Married Couples' Sex Needn't Be `All Or Nothing'. February 4, 2007 I've and horny woman in Patterson AR. Ads with photos.

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We are a couple in Alaska. Looking for others similar to us.

We are a good looking couple that are looking for others that have similar interest to ours. We like to have fun and are open minded. We enjoy camping and fishing and just driving around this magnificent state. If we have not been there we are willing to go. We are not interested in entering into a "lifestyle", or one night stands.

View profile, Patterson AR
fakers need not apply
horny woman in Patterson AR, with photo.
View profile, Patterson AR

well to start we are tired of fakers and freaks.weve been on this site 4 a while now and here are a few of the things were NOT looking for:couples who are looking for fems only,most single guys,any couple who is not sure about this lifestyle,couples who are not secure as hell,and finaly no and i repeat no drama!we are fun loving and very secure so we expect the same.we have been together 13 years and will be together forever so were just trying to explore all possibilities sexually.weve dont most of it allready and enjoyed alot so,if you like the nononsence approach then hit us up. horny woman in Patterson AR. we are looking for open minded people to have spur of the moment fun with

Married, looking for a bi fem or couple
horny woman in Patterson AR, view pic.
View profile, Patterson AR

He-46 5'10"=200 lbs. Blond, average frame and build. Discreet, clean couple, or bi female that is looking for exciting new relationship. We plan to stay married to each other, this is for fun. HWP married couple or bi female for LTR We're after someone long-term, able to realize family, work and mortgage come before play. Lots of foreplay, toys and kink.

Alaska Couple searching for couples/bi-females
horny woman in Patterson AR, view photo.
View profile, Patterson AR

We are a 51 M/ 45 F couple searching for other couples and females for friendship and fun both in and out of bed. We want to establish friendship first for we are very secure in our relationship and want the same in couples. I am 51 M, 5'10" tall, 195 lbs. , blonde hair , blue eyes , and my lady is 45,5'7" tall, 150 lbs. , brown hair, brown eyes, and very voluptous upstairs. Hope to hear from ya'll. Looking for outgoing and healthy couples that want friendship and are secure in their relationships. Want to have fun both in and out of bedroom.

Same-sex couples denied retroactive survivor benefits. Thu 1 Mar 2007 | Printer friendly. NDP challenges government to provide equal rights to all couples

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