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horny woman in Pocono lake preserve PA, hot ads.
What makes you think you can walk in there and take whatever you want? They're called boobs Ed!

I'm a 5'11 female with curves and proud of them. I'm a strawberry blonde who changes it up, a lot. A man who knows how to pleasure a woman. Who likes the sensual as well as the kink, knows what he wants, and will tell me what he wants. A man who knows how to be discreet. No alcholics and must be D/D.

View profile, Pocono lake preserve PA
I'm just curious to see what may happen. I've never done anything like this in my life!
horny woman in Pocono lake preserve PA, with photo.
View profile, Pocono lake preserve PA

I guess I'm just a curious person, wanting to try new things... To be honest, I've always been slightly uncomfortable with my sexuality. I figure the best way to rid myself of these feelings is to dive in head first (no pun intended). I'd like to meet someone who is willing to take it semi-slow at first, then see what happens from there. Not opposed to the idea of casual sex. Open to anything. horny woman in Pocono lake preserve PA. A man who would like a VERY discreet sexual relationship. I've always preferred larger men (stocky), but chemistry is most important. Someone who can make me feel good about my body. Please send an email if interested, I don't check my winks. Older men preferred (late 20's to late 30's).

horny woman in Pocono lake preserve PA, view pic.
View profile, Pocono lake preserve PA


Hi, no names just some fun...
horny woman in Pocono lake preserve PA, view photo.
View profile, Pocono lake preserve PA

I am an attached woman but at the same time would like to try new things...No drama or strings attached... I am outgoing and can be fun...so lets have fun..if we hook up and things go right..then its highly possible..just want to insure..that I am not looking for any short,long term lovie dovie relationships as I am already in a stable one...thanks.. LOOKING FOR DISCREET MEN, WOMEN, COUPLES, AND GROUPS

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