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Intense Fun

She is attractive and rather experienced with liberal sex arrangements. He is a master cunnilinguist. We like intelligent people who can hold a conversation but mostly we are after some uninhibited pleasure. Any ladies should definately be bisexual. Attactive people in their 30's and 40's seeking explicit and open relationship. We prefer trim bisexual women and well endowed men for playtime. We also plan and film group sex events for her in which case above average studs can apply. Hope you are not shy about being filmed.

View profile, New baltimore NY
ntx cpl seeking new friends/lake playmate(s)/erotic times
horny woman in New baltimore NY, with photo.
View profile, New baltimore NY

Hello! We are an attractive cpl searching for a bi fem/cpl for friendship first and foremost with the possibilities of extra play on our boat, beach, hot tub, bedroom, etc. We would prefer a single female to join us, but are open to play with select couples. She is looking for some uninhibited bi time (with toys)and he is straight. If you are interested in having a great time or need a discreet weekend get away, we would love to hear from you.... horny woman in New baltimore NY. We are looking for a female/couples for friends that would like to share sexual adventures anywhere and everywhere. Someone that is uninhibited, easy going and is comfortable with just getting together for adventurous sexual play :) Someone that enjoys the lake, beaches, partying, skinny dipping, etc. We are open to most situations from just watching and being watched to full swap. Let's meet for drinks and see what happens!

Seeking Senual, Erotic Fun
horny woman in New baltimore NY, view pic.
View profile, New baltimore NY

Discreet, HWP, attractive, open minded couple. Seek others of all ages for both social and erotic fun. Seeking others for senual and erotic play. Must enjoy females in lingerie, leather and especially garterbelts, sheer nylons and heels.

Cpl for 3somes or More
horny woman in New baltimore NY, view photo.
View profile, New baltimore NY

Committed married couple looking to have open sex with others. Seeking others for senual and erotic play. Must enjoy females in lingerie, leather and especially garterbelts, sheer nylons and heels.

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