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Bi curious and wondering what it's like

I have fantasized about oral with same sex and discussesd it with my wife on several occasions. She thinks that I need to experience it and I agree but just don't know how to get beyond talking about it and actually making something happen. Looking for other fun people who want to meet. We are not looking to trade pics or anything like that. We are full-swap and she enjoys both men and women. We usually enjoy having people over to our house, but every once in a while we go out and party hard!

View profile, Coalville UT
Ready to play
horny woman in Coalville UT, with photo.
View profile, Coalville UT

We're normal couple with a over the top sex drive. horny woman in Coalville UT. Looking for people to have fun with. We only swing together or in separate rooms. Must enjoy lots of touching, kissing and oral giving and receiving delights.

We want to play...do you?
horny woman in Coalville UT, view pic.
View profile, Coalville UT

We're both intelligent, creative, adventurous, and have raging libido's. We are sassy, silly, and laugh A LOT. We are all about fun and exploration. If you want to play with a couple of really nice people, with very naughty minds, let us know! We're looking to play with others...singles, couples, groups, bi-curious/bisexual (this is a MUST - we both enjoy cock, as well as pussy), TS/TV/TG...who are open to exploration, be it bodies or experiences. Be smart, funny, uninhibited, creative, and don't take life too seriously. We're both pretty laid back folks, and appreciate that in others.

Outgoing, Open Minded, Fun
horny woman in Coalville UT, view photo.
View profile, Coalville UT

We are outgoing and easy to get along with. People feel comfortable around us right away. We are both attractive (she's hot)and looking to explore something new. If the chemistry is there between all 3 of us your in for one kinky erotic night. Real people only and make sure to send pics. Respect is also a must. We only play together and we are not home wreckers so if you are not single and you are looking to cheat we are not the ones you are looking for. Come real or dont Cum at all. Happy, real, fun people who like to let loose every once in a while. We are looking for hung males or petite females preferably single. Must be attractive and clean as we are. We are very open minded sexually and are not looking for any strings just sex. We like to meet and party a bit first so we can see if any chemistry is there. Real people only!

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