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horny woman in Parrott VA, hot ads.

We are a happily married couple who wants to meet new people and have some fun. We are non-smokers, clean, drug-free, disease-free. Both are outgoing; are fun-loving, like to have a good time and easy to get along with. Hardworkers, but also like to have fun...WE WILL PLAY AS A COUPLE ONLY!!! No Gay or Bi-curious men need to respond, you will not be answered!!! YIM missie771 We just want to make friends, have someone fun to hang around and have a good time with, if it leads to more then great if not so what we have some new great friends to chat and hang out with. Someone who will be discreet as we have children and come from a small town. We are wanting to try new things, however, do want to keep our personal life, just that, personal.We are looking for new friends to have some fun with,just hang out with or chat with, and possibly discreet sexual adventures with. We are willing to travel closer to your area or maybe meet you halfway.

View profile, Parrott VA
horny woman in Parrott VA, with photo.
View profile, Parrott VA

HI we are new to the swing thing but very interested in trying new things. We are very laid back and not pushy people. We both work hard and play hard. horny woman in Parrott VA. HMM we are looking for it all. lol She wants to watch and join a woman with him and he wants to watch her with another man. Whether its a couple or a single woman or a single man. Not looking for pushy people.

We are tri-sexual, bi-sexual and vagina-tarians....looking for same
horny woman in Parrott VA, view pic.
View profile, Parrott VA

We recently discovered that we are tri-sexual and vaginatarians. We want to "out" ourselves. We are wanting to meet men, women, & couples for mutual enjoyment. Even better if you are bi. You must be clean, intelligent, and friendly. We hate to be a hard ass, but an experience we had prompts us To add.....Being clean does not only mean showering every morning, it means taking a shower before our date. We do! If we smell a bad odor....we are OUTTA THERE. A long term friendship would be great if it works out that way. We both enjoy our bi experiences and CD's are welcome.

Secure married couple who are experienced players f
horny woman in Parrott VA, view photo.
View profile, Parrott VA

We are a mid fourties couple who are trim and athletic. We are looking for fun friends and single men for dancing, drinks,traveling and fun times. We are non-smokers and prefer the same. He is str8 and she is bi curious. We like mfmf, mmf, mmmf meetings. We are wanting to meet 30's to 50's secure couples who enjoy life and fun times and select males preferably Afro American males

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