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Looking for "ADULT" friendship

I'm your typical free spirit, single and unfettered and roaming the Earth at will. I'm always looking to improve on what I have. I'm not a tame puppy or a pit bull. Put me somewhere in between. I'm just wondering where all the strong, confident men are. I'm in the mood for a friendship I don't have to define, but it still feels good. In my free time I like to speed down the highway with no destination in mind, read or complete puzzles. I'm not looking for a radical change in my life, but I am willing to explore a few new options and see how it works out. Feel free to drop me a line should you have any questions. I'm straight. Although, I fantasize about watching others (couple or group) having sex,

View profile, Tribes hill NY
I am a female looking for couples, women and men, to spice up their sex life.
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View profile, Tribes hill NY

Most of my friends say that I have a very easy going personality. I like when my partner tells me what to do in the bedroom or follow my lead. I love sex and like to be kinky in the bedroom. I love one on one sex but don't mind trying it with another man or women or a couple in the bedroom. I love to try new things. I am looking to go to swinger parties so if you know about any let me know, would be interested in going to some. I would love to go to swinger parties that are local around the Tacoma area. horny woman in Tribes hill NY. I am a women and looking for a man, women or couples to get to know and get together and have some fun. I like lots of foreplay and I like to try new things and like to be very kinky in bed. I am interested in exploring sex with another couple or a man and a women too. I like lots of touching and candles and giving massages. I like to please my partner. I am looking for a women to have a cum moment with. I am looking for a couples or a women, or a man to do a thressomes with or a foursomes with, My partner would like to be included in the couples or watch me do it with a women or with another guy. He also doesn't mind if I do play alone too. Looking for a couples locally in the Tacoma and Puyallup area let me know if you are interested.

Seeking Quality Partner to Complete Triad...
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View profile, Tribes hill NY

We're an everyday couple with alternative ideas. Sharing similar ideology as the poly community, we're looking to expand our relationship to include another. Looking for someone open minded, and one who is willing to share themselves; mind, heart, body, and soul.

Looking for the one that rocks my world and every inch of my soul
horny woman in Tribes hill NY, view photo.
View profile, Tribes hill NY

I'm the type who's restless in normal life. I need to find something unusual to wake me up. Hey there! I'm a hard working woman, enjoying what I have but looking for more. I'm your typical shy girl, only I'm not so typical. On Sunday afternoons I like to have a picnic with someone special. I like my partners to be aggressive and take-charge. Sexually, I'm pretty open to a "friends with benefits" situation. For me a perfect date is one where we head out with a plan, but we go where the night takes us. I'm in the mood for something a little more exciting in the bedroom. When I'm out driving I like having a friend along. I'm not changing my life, I'm just turning up the volume on my leisure time. I look forward to whatever life brings. Feel free to drop me a line if you know how to treat a girl right. I don't consider myself kinky, but I would like to try... Kama Sutra, Trantic Sex and someone that would like to experiment with me at these sex clubs.

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