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about me...iIam fun loving, full of life and love to experiment...I love the outdoors as well as the indoors, movies, sports, theatre, travel and the beaches. I am openminded and adventurous, easygoing, outgoing and well educated. I am a full figured woman, loves touching teasing and lots of foreplay...i enjoy both men and women separately and together although i have only experienced the touch of a woman a few time.. I am looking for a partner or partners to play with.In a man.... I am not looking for a one night stand but rather someone that enjoys the same things i do and wants to join together to experience what life has to offer...a friend with benefits...

View profile, Mission hills CA
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View profile, Mission hills CA

I'm a black BBW looking for fun . no strings, looking for nice person to have some fun with. Drug and infection free horny woman in Mission hills CA. Looking for a man that want's NO STRINGS SEX! I'm looking for a FUCK partner. Want to play?

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View profile, Mission hills CA

I am a professional woman that is looking for some fun. I am a sexually open woman. I am very open to new experiences. I do love sex a lot. I love to kiss. I am looking for a woman, couple or man for some great sexual fun. I need someone that is a great kisser and is fun to get around. I am looking for someone that is great with their hands. HMMMMM that gets me so turned on.

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View profile, Mission hills CA

I'm the type who's eager to cut to the chase. Pretense is for people with time to waste. Hey there! I'm your good-time girl and a real crowd-pleaser, if you know what I mean. I'm your typical free spirit, single and unfettered and roaming the Earth at will. When I go out, I go with the flow, and end up where I end up. I tend to be a serious freak, the crazy one in the pack. For me a perfect Friday night is looking for adventure-and finding it. In my free time I like to speed down the highway with no destination in mind. I'm in the mood for good times on the side. I've reached the point where I have the means and the will to sample the varieties of life. I look forward to putting a smile on your face. If you contact me remember that emails with a naked photo get special consideration. Feel free to drop me a line and let's get the party started! wild single girl looking for fun with no worries and no regrets. i live for the moments,of passion and new positions.

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