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Formerly RGVAN(problems with profile)....We are a laid back and down to earth couple. We are average and very sexual. We enjoy going out to the local strip club for an evening of fun and then return home for a great conclusion to the evening. Sometimes we just go out for dinner and drinks and then return home for that much needed release. We are looking for a couple or female who has similar interests. Not looking for models, just people who have a sexy attitude and enjoy life with no strings.

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Attractive couple looking for playmates
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View profile, Hawthorne CA

We are an attractive, intelligent & fun couple. We are D&D plus Drama & Pressure free with no strings or headaches attached. We are looking for the SAME in like minded folks for Discrete Sexual liaisons in our modest/clean & very PRIVATE mountain cabin home. Perfect for DISCRETE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. horny woman in Hawthorne CA. Local Men within 50 mile redius only. MUST understand, respect and comply with our marital and personal life boundaries. Body perfect is not a requirement, however, MUST be clean, well groomed, D&D Free & height/weight proportionate, healthy/fit. Looking for respectful, attractive, intelligent, charming, sexually oriented men who know how to get a woman HOT. Your reward

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View profile, Hawthorne CA

We are here to seek out like minded females for some very erotic times!! We are looking for some wild new friends to enjoy some very erotic and fun times with.

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View profile, Hawthorne CA

*** ANY SERIOUS COUPLES OUT THERE*** We are looking for an average white bi-female or white couple with a bi female 29 to 40 who would enjoy a little adult fun. You must understand that before anything happens there must be chemistry and attraction between us. We have to get to know you a little. We are not the type of people who are going to do anything the first night, well, unless everyone agrees. We would like for this to be something more than a one time thing if everyone agrees. The people we meet must be clean and D/D free. Height and weight proportionate. We DO NOT like people who PLAY GAMES. We have pics in our network and will gladly invite you as long as you have pics to share with us. Single men please do not ask to join. Thank you for taking the time to look at our profile, if you are interested drop us a line and we can go from there.

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