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fun and spontaneous we enjoy flirting teasing and playing she is bi he is straight we are open to mfmf fmf mfm and just good clean fun she enjoys being seduced by a guy she also loves a big cock and i like to see her play .. what guy wants to seduce her maybe meet at the casinos or out must send a face pic and if we like the fun will start.. open and sexy , likes to tease easy to talk to she is very bi, guy is straight can travel or entertain she loves me to see her play and i like to watch her then we both do her..

View profile, Euclid OH
(Young Blk freaky Cpl )We just wanna fuck you!
horny woman in Euclid OH, with photo.
View profile, Euclid OH

We are an ATTACHED Couple, mirror images of 1 another, we both have high sex drives... she's KINKY and he's FREAKY, he's STRAIGHT and she's Bl. We like people who are open to reasonable ideas and people who can leave their issues at home and cum out and play for a few hours. If this is you, then by all means LET'S DO THE DAMN THING. (NO SINGLE MEN). horny woman in Euclid OH. WE are looking for a freaky lady only ladies,not ready for couples. please respect that! If you play without him thats cool,if you don't that's cool to you are just not what we are looking for. their will be only one swinging dick in the room! LOL MUST BE D,D,D FREE YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!LOL

horny woman in Euclid OH, view pic.
View profile, Euclid OH

Attractive and sexy professional curious couple seeks adult fun and relationship with a like-minded couple or 'Other' that would like to join in. We are open minded and uninhibited. We prefer same room sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, toys, movies---Fem/Fem is a turn on obviously-- But who knows --Let's see which combination works!---If you would like to party and have a good time then we are ready!--- NO PICS-- NO RESPONSE--!! Thanks. A couple that has a strong relationship and that is not pushy or pro-----Because we are not that way. The Northshore area is preferable-- But we are willing to travel if it feels right-- We would rather be friends in the End than anything else!! In other words -- Lets just get sexy together and have some fun!! And as always --Children come first!!--Yours and ours!!

Anyone want to get wet?
horny woman in Euclid OH, view photo.
View profile, Euclid OH

I am tall and thin, long light brown straight hair and blue eyes. I am a shy individual with many fantasies. I enjoy being told what to do in bed. I am bi curious in search of female to explore with. We are looking for a friendship with benefits. We are open minded to most things but are new to this scene. We have had some experience with mfm threesome and both of us agree to more. We are clean, discreet and practice safe sex.

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