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Passion and Intimacy

Passion is what turns good sex into great sex. It's what makes you starving for more. I'm not looking for anything too serious, other than a seriously good time... (this negotiable however) I have a great career that keeps me busy, but you can't work all the time. I'm easy going, love to laugh, don't like sleeping alone... but don't like commitment either. I dig Harley's and the opera. I love to have fun... oh and spend money... what woman doesn't. Passion, romance, intimacy....and a great friend....no married or seperated men please!!!!I don't want to deal with the bull shit that goes with it. I'm not into one night stands...but I don;t want to get married either... I guess I'm looking for someone to rock my world.

View profile, Bandana KY
hi - We've had a long day day let's talk.
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View profile, Bandana KY

Hey there! We are easy going, nonjudgmental women who's looking for new things to try out. We are your typical upbeat personality, proud of the choices we have made and the life we lead. We are both business owners, stable and successful in what we do. When we are at home alone, we like to zone out and decompress from the day's stress kicking back by the pool. Sexually, we are the wildcats every man dreams of having. We want to try all the things we have always wanted to do and are just wondering what's out there that we haven't tried yet. Our friends call us when they're in the mood for fun and smart conversation. For us a perfect Friday night is hanging out with friends. If you contact us please give us some time to reply as we are pretty busy. We look forward to putting a smile on your face. Did we mention we were in hardware..if you want to know what kind just drop us a line. We will give you a hint...one of us sells the big boy toys but both of us sell hardware of a different type.. Wanna know more??? horny woman in Bandana KY. a fun person with a great sense of humor who loves to laugh, relax, and just talk shit some time.

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horny woman in Bandana KY, view pic.
View profile, Bandana KY

I am a pretty blk bbw female who likes to kick it and have fun.laid back quiet sometimes i like to relax and just chill. Not into playing games do not have time for it. I love to fuck and have multiple orgasims looking for some who can hang with me and please me. I am looking for a female who would not mine being with me and my husband and who is diease free. We are not into games..so dont even try it.

Lets get it on!!!
horny woman in Bandana KY, view photo.
View profile, Bandana KY

I am a Horny kinky chix that enjoys wild sex all the time!!! This looks LIKE MOORE FUN THAN THE BARS!!! Talks dirty and likes to go all night long! Lets get it on!!!! MAYBE

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