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Super Couple

We are curious about other couples but shy , so we'll see how it goes. We are looking for a woman or a couple mf or ff to have a threesome or foursome with. We are not very picky people we like to make new friends.

View profile, Idaho falls ID
Adventurous couple looking for new adventures
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View profile, Idaho falls ID

We are a curious couple looking to find ways to bring more excitement into our bedroom. We already have a great sex life, but are looking to explore other options. Open to most things and willing to learn. We have had a taste and enjoyed what we have done so far...would love to try more! horny woman in Idaho falls ID. We are looking for couples, men, or women. Looking to add some excitement to our usual bedroom play. Open to new things. We will answer all responses.

Married but looking
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View profile, Idaho falls ID

Attractive, fun, professional couple, very discrete, looking for other like minded couples or females in the area. We enjoy the simpler things, boating, hot tub, Harley, good conversation, a few drinks and lots of laughs. We are for real. :) Looking for other couples or females in the area for friendship and fun,

Looking for friends with benefits
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View profile, Idaho falls ID

We are a 32 year old couple and we have some experience in the lifestyle. We are looking for new playmates as well as friends. We are easy to get along with and keep ourselves in shape. My husband is 6' tall, works out 4 times a week and has an 8" tool. I am 5' 4", bi-curious, and I also run every morning. We are not Ken and Barbie, but we are told we are a very nice looking couple. We are looking for a bi or bi-curious woman and or a couple with a bi-curious female for fun times. We have some experience in the lifestyle and are looking for more. be d/d free and take care of yourself. Must be easy to get along with and not pushy. NO SINGLE MEN!!!!

A Bible created especially for girls age 13-16 that includes profiles of fictional teenagers discussing oral sex, lesbianism and "dream" guys is drawing

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